Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Session 2 International Working Group & Country Group Review 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday - April 1 st, 2009 Methods WG Russell Slater
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Team Members Team Leader, Deputy and Members for 2009/10 Russell Slater, Syngenta (Chair) Tatjana Sikuljak, BASF Alasdair Haley, Chemtura Georgina Bingham, Vestergaard Frandsen Harald Köhler, Bayer CropScience Jean-Luc Rison, DuPont Alan Porter
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Summary/ Review Slides 2008/09 Team Goals: To develop a single point of contact for researchers to gain information on how to conduct insecticide resistance bioassays. To provide IRAC approved methods in order to steer researchers to use these validated methods, so that data generated by independent researchers can be compared directly. What are we doing to meet these goals: Development of a searchable database for finding both IRAC approved methods and those which are used by researchers but have not been approved by IRAC. Increasing diversity and rate of validation of IRAC approved methods, including public health pests, biotechnology methods, biochemical methods and molecular techniques.
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Summary/ Review Slides 2008/09 e-methods tool: NOW LIVE ! Searchable by MoA ! Searchable by species !
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Summary/ Review Slides 2008/09 New approved methods: IRAC BIOTECH # 1: Maize Borers IRAC METHOD # 12c: Whitefly Nymphs & Eggs
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Summary/ Review Slides 2008/09 Ongoing activities: Literature review to identify non-IRAC approved methods for inclusion in e-methods database. Review of company in-house methods for inclusion in e-methods database and submission for IRAC approval. Liaison with Public Health Team to review suitability of WHO methods for inclusion as IRAC methods (G. Bingham). Liaison with Diamide WG to review methods used for diamide susceptibiliy monitoring and submission as single IRAC method per species. Methods under review: Codling Moth, Myzus persicae, Phorodon humuli, Bemisia tabaci (glass vial).
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee 44 th Meeting of IRAC International, Barcelona, Spain, March 31 st – April 3 rd, Goals & SMART Objectives (To be updated for 2009/10) GoalsObjectivesTimeline Develop single point of contact for insecticide and acaricide resistance monitoring methods. Populate e-methods tool with a range of methods used to measure insecticide susceptibility against key agricultural, horticultural and public health pests. Methods sourced from literature, companies and external contacts. Q Develop single point of contact for insecticide and acaricide resistance monitoring methods. Once established with new methodologies, Promote new e- methods tool through e-connection and design of a poster to be used at industry events. Q To provide IRAC approved methods in order to steer researchers to use these validated methods, so that data generated by independent researchers can be compared directly. Deliver minimum of one new IRAC approved method per quarter in Q1, Q2, Q3, Q To provide IRAC approved methods in order to steer researchers to use these validated methods, so that data generated by independent researchers can be compared directly. Work with PH Team on possibility of approving or developing both housefly and mosquito methodologies. Commission appropriate internal or external studies and validate as required to finalise methods for inclusion in the IRAC methods series. Q4 2009