NGfL CYMRU GCaD The cards on the next slide are the ones that you have been given to sort out. Only one is shown in the first instance, find this card in your piles and then decide which other ones should belong with it. Once you have sorted your cards, click on the card shown on the screen. This will take you to the other cards within this particular job description. Are you close or not? Discuss the reasons for your answers. Match the cards to a particular job decription, can you come up with the same descriptions as me?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Lesson Five Buys good at the lowest price from the brand owner to make the most profit. Consumer buys the product from the retailer. Factory workers work very long hours. 12 hour days, 6 days a week. Farmer’s work up to 7 days a week to produce cotton for factories. Factory manager produces goods for brand owner. Brand owner wants to make as much money as possible..
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Retailer sells to the public. Takes a large cut of the money. Likes to buy big brands as they can sell them for a higher price. Retailer
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Wants to pay a low price. Will pay more for a brand name. Often concerned about the poor conditions. Consumer
NGfL CYMRU GCaD As profits are low there is no money to improve safety in the factory. Charge as little as possible to brand owner. Factory Manager
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Must grow good quality cotton so any spare cash goes back into the land. In a good year profit can be made from growing the cotton but in a bad year/ bad weather the family often go hungry. Cotton Farmer
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Pay is very low and often not enough to live off. Workers are badly treated and often beaten. Working conditions are poor and there are no health and safety procedures in place. Hard work with high number of products to make a day. No sick pay. One toilet break allowed a day. Pay is docked even if 5 minutes late. Factory Worker
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Willing to pay famous people large amounts of money to help them sell their products. Use it as a sponsor. Keep costs down by locating in countries with low pay. High annual turnover. Keep costs down by locating in countries with low pay. Brand Owner