1 CFIS Physical Education Back to School Night Mr. AkrenMrs. Norland Mrs. WalshMr. Smith
3 Contacting Teachers If you have any questions, please contact the P.E. Department Mrs. Norland : Ext Mrs. Walsh : Ext Mr. Akren : Ext Mr. Smith : Ext – THE BEST WAY!!!
4 You can also check out websites for information
5 Grading Policy Daily participation points are earned through attendance, participation, sportsmanship and compliance with the P.E uniform policy. Students will also earn points by completing tests, quizzes and written assignments. 90% -100% =A 80% - 89% =B 70%- 79% =C 60% - 69% =D Below 59% =F Every student has an opportunity to earn an “A” in PE
Posting Grades and Track Changes When teacher goes off track, the incoming teacher moves to become the teacher on record and will then update grades on “Q”within 2 weeks of returning. This means you may not see your child’s grade on “Q” for a short period after track change. The PE staff always keeps hard copies of the PE grades. In order to keep you informed, the PE staff will be updating grades every 2-3 weeks. In addition, only letter grades will be posted. 6
7 HOMEWORK 1.Take their P.E. clothes home the last day of the week. 2.Wash the PE clothes (Themselves if necessary.) 3.Bring the clothes back the first day of the next week The front office will not deliver PE clothes brought in by parents.
8 Making up Points PE IS A PARTICIPATION CLASS Time missed for absences must be made up to receive credit EXCUSED ABSENCES ONLY! Students may perform the following to make up excused absences: –Run a mile to make up an absence –Complete a California State Standards based assignment. –Complete an assignment discussed between student and teacher. Students should see their teacher to make arrangements as to expectations and due dates.
VACATIONS 9 Points missed during vacations may be made up during the trip. Please give his/her PE teacher ample notice before leaving. The assignment will be due when the student returns. –Students will complete one the following to make up work. A California State Standards based project. Article reviews related to Physical Education and sport. An activity journal. You can find several options for make up on Mr. Smith’s website.
10 Locks and Lockers Each student will be issued a PE locker and lock to be used for his/her P.E. storage All clothes and personal items must be locked in the student's assigned P.E. locker. Clothes Extra white socks PencilSportfolio Stick Deodorant Plastic bottle spray NO CELL PHONES!!!!! Neither C.F.I.S. nor the CNUSD is responsible for lost or stolen items.
11 Medical Notes A written parent or doctor excuse must be presented to the teacher on the day that the student is to be excused normal PE activities. A parent note is valid for a maximum of three days. This note should include: Your child’s name Dates The nature of the injury or illness Specific limitations No activity, walking only, etc….. The duration of the excuse Your name or authorized signature
12 Medical Notes Students are still required to dress out. A student with a medical excuse will walk the basketball courts unless note states otherwise – we want them active! If the illness or injury prevents your child from walking, please indicate on the written note. Students will then be given a written assignment. Students that are unable to dress out because of the nature of their ailment will be sent to the library to complete a written assignment.
13 Student Recognition Athletes of the Week for 8 th grade –Earn a “Athlete of the Week” shirt Sportsman of the Week for 7 th grade –Earn a certificate and other goodies It is the objective of PE staff that every student is given an opportunity to shine and have a truly memorable experience in Physical Education