1 Microsoft Operations Framework An Introduction to MOF
Topics Introduction to MOF Building on ITIL MOF Process Model MOF Team Model MOF Risk Model MOF Essentials Training Questions
An Introduction to MOF In the new digital economy, the need is greater than ever for robust systems that are also flexible to keep up with changing business needs and offer lasting value… Learn how to operate a highly available, scalable, reliable and manageable infrastructure by applying your ITIL process capability specifically in a Microsoft operating environment…
An Introduction to MOF Microsoft Enterprise Services Frameworks
Building on ITIL ITIL is generally accepted as “best practice” ITIL was created to be adopted and adapted MOF’s prescriptive guidance in operating Microsoft technologies complements ITIL’s descriptive guidance ITIL’s development by a consortium of industry leaders allows Microsoft to participate in its evolution
Building on ITIL A prescriptive process model Introduce Service management functions (SMFs) Team Model Risk Model Guidance that is relevant and adaptable to client server and n-tier computing environments
MOF Process Model The Quadrants: Assesses impact of & implements changes Operates, maintains, & manages service solutions Evaluates, models & improves service solutions Identifies & corrects incidents & problems
MOF Process Model
MOF Team Model Why Team Model? What does the Team Model describe? What are the benefits of the Team Model?
MOF Team Model MOF defines six role clusters that encapsulates all of the core operational duties that need to be performed within IT operations
MOF Risk Model MOF embeds risk management in all SMFs, role clusters and reviews The MOF risk model is applied to operations, and provides a five step risk management process
MOF Risk Model The 5 Step Risk Management Process:
MOF Essential Training 2 days instructor-led course that uses a combination of presentation lectures and hands-on simulation activities Skills/Knowledge attained Each participant will develop skills required to apply the MOF in their organisations. Specifically participants will able to: Articulate the Major challenges now facing IT operations and the MOF approach to Service Management Understand how MOF builds on ITIL. Explain MOF process model and its four quadrants Explain the MOF Team model including key responsibilities and staff competencies for each role cluster Identify with the importance of the MOF risk model With the above knowledge participants will be able to demonstrate the value proposition of the MOF to with their organisation
More information…. Search on the Microsoft Web site mof/default.mspx Contact your local Microsoft Partner