Agriculture (see second half of Day 8 for notes)
It’s a little late, but the controversy over the wolf cull in BC would make an excellent topic for the media analysis. (I will hand back the outlines I have.) Relevant to agriculture is the farmers’ market on campus on Thursdays and the Campus Food Movement organization. Did anyone go to either the candidates’ forum or the Social Sciences pizza lunch? Daniel will share his knowledge on soil and land reclamation for a few minutes today.
I will circulate a book, From the Good Earth, by Michael Ableman, California and Salt Spring Island farmer, and co-founder of Sole Food Street Farms in the Downtown Eastside: Here’s a link about the use of drones by environmental groups on Vancouver Island to challenge logging decisions: +activists+using+drones+fight+information/ / story.html +activists+using+drones+fight+information/ / story.html They are also being used to conserve rhino populations in Africa: us/empowering/?ocid=ED_O_MSCOM_NULL_NULL_en -us_NULL#~pqjddzRTAfX49Zhttp:// us/empowering/?ocid=ED_O_MSCOM_NULL_NULL_en -us_NULL#~pqjddzRTAfX49Z
I’m also circulating a link about the Vancouver School District trying to come to grips with the issue of bottled water use in schools: (see also the slide show on my web site). There is a Zero Waste conference in Vancouver on Thursday, October 29th. If anyone wanted to go and offer a brief report, I would excuse you for the day: A reminder about the film “Bikes vs. Cars” on Wednesday at 6:30 in Building 250, Room 125, by donation. And the Sustainability Fair on Thursday from 11:30 to 2 in the Library Quad.
To learn more about International Student Exchange program (with the deadline of October 15 th ), see Exchange Partners: Exchange Application: ments/ExchangeApplication.pdf ments/ExchangeApplication.pdf Funding & Scholarships: Exchange Contact: Jennifer Sills, Manager Education Abroad