The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Building CORBA Applications (On OS/390 ?) Dusty Rivers Enterprise Consultant Iona Technologies
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 C++ Solaris Windows Java MVS COBOL AIX DBMS CICS DCOM Security Messaging All The Pieces……..
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Interacting Components Location Independence Location Independence Platform Independence Platform Independence Prog. Language Independence Prog. Language Independence Location Independence Location Independence Platform Independence Platform Independence Prog. Language Independence Prog. Language Independence
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA CORBA is defined by the members of the CORBA is defined by the members of the – Object Management Group (OMG) the world’s largest Information Technology consortium, with over 800 members. IONA, IBM, Sun, Digital, Netscape,Microsoft...The OMG co-ordinates the standards work but it is not an engineering group. it’s “not for profit” independent companies provide implementations of the standard CORBA is defined by the members of the CORBA is defined by the members of the – Object Management Group (OMG) the world’s largest Information Technology consortium, with over 800 members. IONA, IBM, Sun, Digital, Netscape,Microsoft...The OMG co-ordinates the standards work but it is not an engineering group. it’s “not for profit” independent companies provide implementations of the standard
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA as a “software bus” software bus In CORBA, each component is an object with an object-oriented interface but the internals can be coded in an OO or non-OO language like Cobol Objects on the bus can be used by any other object subject to security checks of course
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA In A Nutshell Solaris MVS HP-UX NT JVM AIX IRIX C++ COBOL C++Ada VC++ Java C++ Add interfaces Add a common communication protocol IIOP
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA - programming languages CORBA provides support for interworking between different programming languages CORBA provides support for interworking between different programming languages Visual Basic Smalltalk Ada Java C++ and more and more
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Client-Server Peer-Peer The terms Client & Server are used frequently in CORBA The terms Client & Server are used frequently in CORBA The terms Client & Server does not imply a star configuration The terms Client & Server does not imply a star configuration Servers can call each other Servers contain one or more objects. Servers are often physically represented as processes. Objects, not servers, are invocable Servers contain one or more objects. Servers are often physically represented as processes. Objects, not servers, are invocable Communication in CORBA is therefore Peer to Peer Communication in CORBA is therefore Peer to Peer The terms Client & Server are used frequently in CORBA The terms Client & Server are used frequently in CORBA The terms Client & Server does not imply a star configuration The terms Client & Server does not imply a star configuration Servers can call each other Servers contain one or more objects. Servers are often physically represented as processes. Objects, not servers, are invocable Servers contain one or more objects. Servers are often physically represented as processes. Objects, not servers, are invocable Communication in CORBA is therefore Peer to Peer Communication in CORBA is therefore Peer to Peer ClientServer - Client Server
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Interface Definitions (IDL) Each CORBA object has a well defined interface: Each CORBA object has a well defined interface: These interfaces are defined in IDL OMG’s Interface Definition Language OMG’s Interface Definition Language Each interface definition lists the operations that can be applied to objects with that interface. Interfaces can inherit from each other IDL is not another programming language IDL is not another programming language it only defines interfaces Each CORBA object has a well defined interface: Each CORBA object has a well defined interface: These interfaces are defined in IDL OMG’s Interface Definition Language OMG’s Interface Definition Language Each interface definition lists the operations that can be applied to objects with that interface. Interfaces can inherit from each other IDL is not another programming language IDL is not another programming language it only defines interfaces
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 IDL - Interface Definition Language IDL is the key to interworking across networks, operating systems and programming languages: IDL is the key to interworking across networks, operating systems and programming languages: C++ Smalltalk Java.. Active X (Visual Basic, Delphi, Power Builder) Ada network target object IDL interface
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA services services that are useful for a set of building applications they add extra abilities to CORBA objects These are not of equal importance! - Naming (look up names to get references to object) - Transactions (two phase commit) - Event Service (send msgs to multiple receivers) - Relationships (relationships between objects) - Lifecycle (factories for objects; moving objects) - Time (get time of day; and periodic calls) - Licensing (who can run what) - Trading (find objects given a constraint string) - Security (who can call what objects) - Properties (attach properties to objects) - Query (query collections of objects) - Persistent Object (high level arch. for persistence) - Concurrency Control (locking) - Externalization (writing objects to byte streams)
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Overview of the process Client developer Server developer Server IDL compiler IDL compiler IDL compiler IDL compiler Client IDL
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Interfaces The purpose of IDL is to define interfaces which consist of operations and attributes attributes may be declared readonly interface Account { attribute string owner; readonly attribute string dateLastModified; readonly attribute float balance; void makeDeposit (in float amount); boolean makeWithdrawal (in float amount, out float balance); }; interface Account { attribute string owner; readonly attribute string dateLastModified; readonly attribute float balance; void makeDeposit (in float amount); boolean makeWithdrawal (in float amount, out float balance); };
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 What About the Mainframe? WHY ON OS/390 ?
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 Integrate your mainframe NT/95 UNIX OS/390 Java Define your interfaces (IDL) Execute your interfaces (IIOP)
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 OS/390 ? VB C++ JAVA
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 OS/390 VB C++ JAVA COBOL PL/I C++
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 OS/390 CORBA server CORBA Server Client IOR OS/390 orbixd IIOP
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 OS/390 VB C++ JAVA COBOL PL/I C++ USS
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 OS/390 VB C++ JAVA CICS IMS
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA CICS Adapter CICS GRID001 CORBA CICS Adapter GRID height width set() get() GRID height width set() get() OS/390 Mapping Repository (GRID, set GRID001) Grid User my_grid
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA CICS Adapter CICS GRID001 CORBA CICS Adapter GRID height width set() get() GRID height width set() get() OS/390 Grid User my_grid
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 CORBA IMS Adapter IMS CORBA IMS Adapter GRID height width set() get() GRID height width set() get() OS/390 GRID001 Mapping Repository Grid User my_grid
The World Leader in Making Software Work Together ™ Copyright IONA Technologies 1999 ? ’s