Welcome to AP Human Geography! Mrs. Cantu Room 1732
What is “Human Geography”? Human Geography is the study of people from a spatial and ecological perspective Geography is all about “relationships” How do people interact with the land? How do people interact with each other? Geographers seek to answer the question, “why is what where?”
Topics to be Discussed Geography: Its nature and Perspectives Population Cultural Patterns and Processes Political Organization of Space Agricultural and Rural Land Use Industrialization and Economic Development Cities and Urban Land Use
Grading 80% = Summative Assessments (tests, projects, papers, and portfolios) 20%=Formative Assessments (homework, activities, maps, and quizzes) There is no common assessment or final in AP Human Geography.
Textbook Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture (8th Edition); H.J. De Blij, Alexander B. Murphy, and Erin H. Fouberg You should leave it at home for reading assignments, homework, or studying. I will let you know when you need to bring your textbook to class.
Make-Up Work You can find all assignments and notes that you miss while absent on my website. If you miss a test, you will take it the day you return in class. If you are absent any days before a test and return on a test day, you will take the test. Test reviews can be found on my website. Projects are due the day the student returns. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments from the instructor. I will not remind you to make up your tests or projects.
Late Work Late work is the quickest way to see your grade drop in my class. Any work not turned in at the time it is collected will receive a 50% off penalty. You are only allowed to turn in assignments one day late. Late work is not acceptable, however I understand that things do happen. If you know you will be turning in an assignment late, you must communicate that to the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due. I will decide on a case by case basis if your work will be accepted, and if there will be a point deduction.
Tutorials Tutoring is available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-3:15, or by appointment. If you plan to attend tutorials, it is a good idea to let me know so that I can remain available to you.
Notebooks and Supplies You should have the following supplies every day: Pen or pencil Notebook or composition book to take notes Colored Pencils (when needed) You should also have the following supplies in order to complete your unit portfolios: A binder (1.5 inch minimum) A set of at least 7 dividers labeled “Unit 1”, “Unit 2”, etc. Please bring a box of tissues, a pack of black pens, OR a box of markers to class by Friday.
Website I have created a website for this class. You may use the website to access course materials, or to me. tinyurl.com/cantu-aphg
Dress Code All dress code guidelines in the Magnolia ISD Student Handbook will be enforced.
Classroom Procedures Turn off cell phones & electronic devices No food or drink, except water Arrive to class on time & ready to learn Never line up at the door before dismissal Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work Use polite and appropriate language Do your best work & turn it in on time Pick up after yourself before you leave
About the AP Test AP Human Geography has one of the highest passing rates among all other Social Studies AP tests. It is composed of 75 multiple-choice questions, and three free response questions The expectation for everyone taking this course is that you will take the AP Test in May