Lorenzo Lo Cascio January 30 th 2012 Component 4 TRANS-national Action Plan
Where we are in the process 1.Analysis of the state-of-the-art: elaboration of REP 2.RESAP: challenges and needs emerged from the REP, the “objective tree” and priority actions 3.consensus building and stakeholders engagement strategy 4.The international dimension: the transnational plan and pilots
Structure of the TRANS-AP 1.Where did we start from: strategic axes in the RESAPs for the exploitation of the global dimension 2.What the international dimension can add to regional actions: the “grey zone” 3.What we want to do: a plan of actions with a strong added value coming from the being run at the international level 4.Whom we want to do it with: stakeholders engagement at regional level to multiply effects 5.What we can leverage on: the MED-KED basket of GPs
The global dimension in the RESAPs
3 main priorities (+ some recommendations) 1.Enhancing international networking capabilities – When considering possible transnational actions, initiatives focusing on the ecosystem and involving intermediaries should be a priority – Networking actions should involve a multi-directional, transnational playground 2.Facilitating access to key knowledge and human capital at a global level – Vouchers to be spent abroad are recognised as an effective mechanism to access knowledge and open up opportunities for further co-operation. 3.Favouring internationalisation of regional enterprises – Support actions for business internationalization should follow a comprehensive approach going beyond “commercialisation” and accompanying enterprises in all steps of the access to foreign markets, including strategic support in host regions.
“Is it all there?”: The “grey” zone 1.Contribution of the trans-national dimension to regional actions 2.All RESAPs identified Access to finance for KBE as a priority a)Better use of existing tools / mechanisms to provide financial resources to KBE b)Development of / Access to innovative forms of funding for KBE
A Trans-AP graphic representation
The Trans-national actions 1.Enhancing international networking capabilities Networking platforms (EmiliaRomagnaStart-up, ISMA360) Multilateral learning platforms (AUR mobilità) 2.Access to key knowledge and human capital at a global level Multilateral mobility schemes for talents (MIND, Tailor-made programmes, etc.) Transnational executive in residence schemes (Start-up factory, Match) 3.Favouring internationalisation of regional SMEs Voucher schemes at the international level (Spinner 2013, Guide of experts for innovative companies, etc.) Transnational soft landing schemes (Do it in Barcelona, Technology and Innovation Bridges, WISTA) 4.Improving access to finance for KBE Favoring cross-border investments (Start-up factory, Start-up Slovenia) Crowdfunding (GrowVC, Kickstarter, Kiva, etc)
Towards the pilot phase 1.Pilot actions in MED-KED are initiatives which foresee the involvement of knowledge and expertise from different countries and cultural approaches in elaborating schemes and defining intervention procedures 2.Pilot actions represent a preliminary step of implementation of the Trans-AP and should take into account a long-term perspective (the forthcoming MED-KED network) 3.Also regional actions can be enriched through additional content / knowledge, developed / exchanged at trans-national level 4.According to the extent of co-operation among partners, pilot actions can be One-way initiatives, where a partner transfers its knowledge / support to another partner (short-term perspective); Bilateral initiatives, where this transfer is mutual between two partners (long-term perspective); Multilateral initiatives, which involve exchange of knowledge, expertise or support measures among all partners (either short-term or long-term perspective) 5.The plan is conceived to exploit to the maximum extent already existing measures, thus limiting the need for additional resources. Good practices selected in the previous phases of the project can be used as starting points to implement transnational actions.
Positioning of actions
Thank you very much for your attention