Greg Machat
We can not be advising our students at all times Students can make poor decisions outside of class Software and equipment can help students make good decisions
Measure how much a person walks in a day Easy to track day to day activity Motivate people to walk more Can come as a clip or a band
Bands are generally light and stylish Can synch to phones or computers Can cost as low as $10 for clip. $50-$200 for band Can buy online or any major retailer
Works by tracking movement Can be an object on bed, or a band. Measures how long they were asleep
Most people don’t know how well they sleep Measures the quality of a person’s sleep Some come with “Smart Alarms” Can cost $20-$200 Buy online or any major retailer
Allows a person to track their diet during the day Easy to spot problems in diet Helps to plan meals during the day Can cost $5-$15 online or any book store.
Allow exact measurement of food Food is hard to judge without it Can help people better understand a serving size Can Cost $10-$20 in a retail store or online.
Contain apps that can track fitness Easy and convenient Can synch to computer, or store info online Can Cost Free-$10
Tools can be used outside the classroom They influence good decision making Can work excellently when combined with proper health education