Associate Professor, Steve Hemming, Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority & Flinders University Professor Daryle Rigney, Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority & Flinders University Tim Hartman, Chair, Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority Clyde Rigney, Jnr., Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority Grant Rigney, Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority Lachlan Sutherland, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources South Australia Ngarrindjeri Speaking as Country: Innovations in Indigenous engagement in water
Acknowledgements We pay respects to the Traditional Owners of these Lands and Waters, their Elders, leaders and young people. We pay our respects to Ngarrindjeri Ancestors, Elders, leaders and young people. We would like to warn people that this presentation contains images of Ngarrindjeri who have passed. May their Spirits find rest and peace as part of Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar (lands, waters, spirits and all living things).
Kungun Ngarrindjeri Yunnan (Listen to Ngarrindjeri talking) – Ngarrindjeri speak as Country A new relationship between the Ngarrindjeri nation and the State of South
Ngarrindjeri Nation Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan Caring for Ngarrindjeri Sea Country and Culture 2006 A Vision for Sea Country
Ngarrindjeri Vision for Country Our Lands, Our Waters, Our People, All Living Things are connected. We implore people to respect our Yarluwar-Ruwe (Sea Country) as it was created in the Kaldowinyeri (the Creation). We long for sparkling, clean waters, healthy land and people and all living things. We long for the Yarluwar-Ruwe (Sea Country) of our ancestors. Our vision is all people Caring, Sharing, Knowing and Respecting the lands, the waters and all living things.
The land and waters is a living body. We the Ngarrindjeri people are a part of its existence. Tom Trevorrow, Matt Rigney and George Trevorrow (Rupelli), all deceased Ngarrindjeri Yannarumi Speaking as Country
1. Acknowledgements 1.1 The Minister repeats the acknowledgments in the KNY Agreement. 1.2 The Minister acknowledges that Ngarrindjeri will be guided by their cultural obligations and protocols in devising strategies and programs which are encompassed within the concept of 'Ngarrindjeri speaking as country’. 2.2 The Ngarrindjeri are committed to ensure that sufficient fresh water is available in the River Murray system at relevant times of the year to enhance the health of the country generally and to minimise the need for interventions Speaking as Country Deed 2014
This is a legal, binding agreement entered into between Ngarrindjeri and various Ministers of the Crown in South Australia … D. The Ministers have expressed a desire for a new relationship between the State of South Australia and Ngarrindjeri based upon mutual respect and trust acknowledging that Ngarrindjeri consider protection and maintenance of culture and cultural sites upon its land and water central in every respect to Ngarrindjeri community well being and existence. Whole-of-Government KNY Agreement 2009
Kungun Ngarrindjeri Yunnan Agreement A Consultation and Negotiation Agreement KNYA Taskforce – creating a corporate memory in government ‘Governments come and go but we are Ngarrindjeri and we will always be here because this is where we live, the KNYA is written in black and white on paper so it will out last changes in government’ (Tom Trevorrow, Ngarrindjeri Elder).
KNYA Taskforce A range of government-led environmental management programs operate in the CLLMM region. The KNYA Taskforce acts as a review process for these programs - enabling Ngarrindjeri input and advice. This provides a practical way to negotiate Ngarrindjeri involvement in planning activities, enabling appropriate Ngarrindjeri engagement, incorporating cultural values into planning and management whilst protecting cultural knowledge.
Leader-to-Leader Meetings KNY Taskforce Working Group Yarluwar-Ruwe Program ‘Water Planning Working Group’ ‘Revegetation Working Group’ ‘Research and Monitoring Group Matthew Rigney addressing KNY Taskforce planning meeting, 2010
Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority Caring for our people, lands, waters and all living Goals: Strong Culture; Sovereign First Nation; Secure Future; Healthy Country; Confident People; Creative Economy; Respected History; Regional Leader Working together for a strong, healthy and sovereign Ngarrindjeri nation
Healing Programs – Healthy Flows Projects/engagements that change the colonising relationship between Ngarrindjeri and the State. Projects/engagements that build Ngarrindjeri capacity to Care for/speak as Country – lands, waters and all living things. Projects/engagements that respect Ngarrindjeri knowledge, law, tradition and expertise. Projects/engagements that bring energy into Ngarrindjeri lives, programs and plans.
Ngarrindjeri Yannarumi assessment Ngarrindjeri right and responsibility to be Ngarrindjeri and live the Ngarrindjeri way Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar (lands, waters, body, spirit and all living things) needs to be healthy for Ngarrindjeri to be healthy The Coorong, and Lakes Alexandrina and Albert wetland Ramsar site is part of the living body of the Ngarrindjeri nation Ngarrindjeri care for, speak for and exercise cultural responsibility as Ngarrindjeri Ruwe/Ruwar - reproduction
Ngarrindjeri engagement and capacity Mechanisms, protocols and projects: KNY agreements; Ngarrindjeri Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan; KNYA Taskforce KNYA/Project Agreements; NRA Yarluwar-Ruwe Program - capacity Operationalising agreements - Joint Working Groups and Statements of Commitment; Cultural Knowledge Protection Speaking as Country Deed
Ngarrindjeri engagement and capacity Mechanisms, protocols and projects: Wetland planning; Ramsar Ngarrindjeri/Ecological Character Description; Environmental water allocations Water Planning SOC and Cultural Knowledge Agreement Co-management of Coorong National Park South Australian Government’s shift towards Aboriginal Regional Authorities – inspired by innovations in the M-D Basin region
Murrundi (River Murray) Colin Cook and Richard Hunter, Ngarrindjeri Leaders and Elders (deceased) – looking backwards and looking forwards
Ngarrindjeri Partnerships Project Enable the Ngarrindjeri to have a major role in the process of developing a resilient and healthy future for the lands and waters and all living things and through this role contribute to adaptive management and project management; Build capacity: Build professional and culturally appropriate Ngarrindjeri capacity to engage meaningfully with current and future actions to restore the health of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth.
Ngarrindjeri engagement and capacity Tom Trevorrow, Ngarrindjeri Elder (deceased): ‘Our traditional management plan was don’t be greedy, don’t take any more than you need and respect everything around you. That’s the management plan – it’s such a simple management plan, but so hard for people to carry out’ (MDB Plan 2012).
Acknowledgements We acknowledge the following support: Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement, Flinders University; the Goyder Institute for Water Research; the Australian Research Council - ARC Linkage Project (LP ): Indigenous nationhood in the absence of recognition: Self-governance strategies and insights from three Aboriginal communities; and the Melbourne University School of Government Project - Indigenous Nation Building: Theory; Practice and its emergence in Australia’s public policy discourse. This project is also supported by the South Australian Government’s Murray Futures program funded by the Australian Government’s Water for the Future initiative.