Miss Wheeler wanted to know how Buxton Voices thought our litter free week is going…… There is less litter There is more litter We’re not sure What’s litter free week? Pretty good
Presently we don’t think the litter free week has worked. There are still food packets being dropped on the playground and inside the school building, although less so than before. We need to establish if you really want to eat food outside or not. If the answer is “yes you do”, then you need to come up with another plan. Please remember it is your litter. So we are asking you, as the student community, to solve the litter issues around the school. Phase 3 trial may go ahead after half term. H…hem
Head Teachers Question time Buxton Voices agreed and planned a series of questions for Miss Wheeler. The questions were about you, the school and equipment within it.
Head Teachers Question time Can students make some of the school rules? We are happy to discuss some school rules. You need to come up with specific questions. Perhaps at the next meeting?
Head Teachers Question time Why do we get homework some weeks and not others? Students and parents all recently took part in a survey about your homework. We would be especially keen to meet with parents and a PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) who may help discussions about homework
Head Teachers Question time Why has it taken so long to get the new school? We were promised a new school back in 2008 but the funding was stopped. We are now part of a new programme of schools and this week met with potential builders. By next summer we should see the new building start.
Head Teachers Question time Buses are expensive, so it is unlikely that we would be able to afford to pick up 1800 students every morning. Can we have school buses to pick students up in the morning?
Can we have lockers in the new school? 1800 lockers would take up a lot of space and would cost a lot of money. Perhaps Buxton Voices needs to have a finance team to work out how much lockers would be and how to raise the money. Head Teachers Question time
We want to Eat Outside Campaign!! – Next Steps Litter free Zone – Trail #1 failed Litter free Zone – Trail #2 failed Class Reps to share info with form class Marketing Campaign – a short film to show to form group? Feedback to students every week!!!
Buxton School is now on Facebook and Twitter Please like or follow the school to get the latest news and updates. And let you parents or carers know too…..