Regional Planning Meetings 2005 Capital Improvement Program Overview Presented by Steven Cooks, Airport Planner
Capital Improvement Program Commission’s CIP Commission’s CIP Developed and approved by Commission Developed and approved by Commission Federal-State Apportionment Federal-State Apportionment State funds State funds City’s airport CIP City’s airport CIP Developed locally by the sponsor Developed locally by the sponsor Constrained to known resources (NPE) Constrained to known resources (NPE) Send to the Commission Send to the Commission
Commission’s CIP Development Updated airport development worksheets Updated airport development worksheets Develop a pool of AIP-eligible projects Develop a pool of AIP-eligible projects Inclusion in Commission’s CIP Inclusion in Commission’s CIP
CIP Development Projects evaluated based on: Airport system development priorities, policies and procedures Airport system development priorities, policies and procedures Airport needs Airport needs Pavement condition Pavement condition Aircraft operations Aircraft operations Critical aircraft Critical aircraft Active based aircraft Active based aircraft Population service area Population service area
CIP Development Additional factors: Sponsor’s demonstrated ability to maintain and operate the airport Sponsor’s demonstrated ability to maintain and operate the airport Sponsor’s willingness to address safety inspection deficiencies Sponsor’s willingness to address safety inspection deficiencies Services provided at the airport Services provided at the airport
CIP Development Letter of Intent is required: Identify specific project Availability of Local matching funds Signature of Sponsor’s administrative official Project description Project justification Scaled/Sketch Project time frame Point of contact Project cost Detailed cost estimate
Commission’s CIP Contents The Commission’s CIP identifies: Project description Project justification Project cost Funding year and source of funds Location of construction
Federal and State Administrative Requirements (Early Project Development Information)
FAR – Early Project Development Packet Before the FY of construction: Sponsor Certification Consultants Contract and amendment Project Schedule Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (Plan and Goals) Environmental Coordination Airspace Study Effect on Approaches Updated Detailed Cost Sponsor’s Letter of Commitment and Point of Contact
State – Early Project Development Packet Sponsor Certification Consultants Contract Project Amendment Project Schedule Environmental Coordination Airspace Study Approaches Detailed Cost Letter of Commitment Point of Contact
City’s Airport CIP 5 year CIP of known resources ( ) 5 year CIP of known resources ( ) Not a wish list Not a wish list Projects constrained by known funding (NPE funds) Projects constrained by known funding (NPE funds) To change an FY 2007 CIP: To change an FY 2007 CIP: Project Schedule Project Schedule ACIP- Data Sheet with sketch ACIP- Data Sheet with sketch Detailed Cost Detailed Cost
KEY DATES TO REMEMBER FY 06 Federal projects: September 30, 2005: Advance Program September 30, 2005: Advance Program December 1, 2005: FAR-Early Project Development December 1, 2005: FAR-Early Project Development If not: If not: Development project grant may be delayed Development project grant may be delayed Consider Planning and Design grants for FFY06 Consider Planning and Design grants for FFY06 March 10, 2006: Update airport’s 5-yr CIP (2007 – 2011) March 10, 2006: Update airport’s 5-yr CIP (2007 – 2011) May 1, 2006: Federal grant application based on bids to FAA May 1, 2006: Federal grant application based on bids to FAA FFY 07 projects: September 30, 2006: FAR-Early Project Development September 30, 2006: FAR-Early Project Development