Organic Molecule #1
Sugars!!! Some are sweet (simple carbs) Some are not sweet (complex carbs…a.k.a starches)
Carbon[C], Hydrogen [H] Oxygen [O] Organic – because it has C-H bonds)
Monosaccharides ◦ (Simple Sugars) This is Glucose!
1. Quick Energy
1. Simple Carbohydrates -Monosaccharides -Disaccharides 2. Complex Carbohydrates - polysaccharides
Which type of carbohydrate will provide the most energy? Why?
1. Glucose – C 6 H 12 O 6 - made by plants during photosynthesis 2. Cellulose – complex sugar in plant cell walls 3. Starch – complex stored sugar in plants 4. Glycogen – complex stored sugar in animals Others… Sucrose – table sugar Lactose - milk sugar Fructose – fruit sugar
Humans: Glycogen is stored in liver cells Plants: ◦ Cellulose – (=fiber!!!) makes up cell walls of plant cells ◦ Glucose – made in leaves ◦ Starch – stored in fruits, veges (potatoes!)
Plant foods!
Benedict’s – test for simple sugars Iodine – test for starch
Carbohydrates are the main source of QUICK ENERGY
Organic Molecule #2
As we learn about Lipids, keep in mind how they are both SIMILAR and DIFFERENT from Carbohydrates.
Fats!!! Hydrophobic (“water fearing”) molecules that do not dissolve in water and have diverse functions
Carbon[C], Hydrogen [H] Oxygen [O] Organic – because it has C-H bonds)
Fatty Acids Glycerol 3 Fatty Acids + Glycerol = Lipid
1. Unsaturated Fats -Come from plants: oils (liquid) 2. Saturated Fats - Come from animals: fats (solid)
1. ***Energy storage 2. Forming the membrane around cells 3. Give warmth and insulation to animals (blubber) 4. Provide waterproof coverings for plant leaves. 5. Hormones and vitamins
1. Fats come from animals) 2. Oils (come from plants) 3. Waxes: form water-proof coverings of plant leaves 4. Phospholipids (part of all cell membranes) 5. Steroids (like cholesterol)
Humans: Fat is stored in adipose cells; the body can store more lipids than carbohydrates Plasma membranes (both plants and animals) Waxes can form water-proof coverings of plant leaves
Fats: lard, butter, mayonnaise (saturated, from animals) Oils: vegetable oil, peanut oil (unsaturated, from plants)
Brown paper bag test: lipids will leave a shiny translucent spot after any liquids have evaporated.
Lipids are the main source of STORED (long term) ENERGY
Organic Compound #3
Carbon[C], Hydrogen [H] Oxygen [O] Nitrogen [N] Organic – because it has C-H bonds)
Amino Acids There are 20 different amino acids!
1. Structural support in cell membranes and muscle tissue 2. Transport 3. Regulate chemical reactions (enzymes) 4. Act as chemical messengers (hormones) 5. Protection (antibodies defend against infections)
1. Hemoglobin – carries oxygen on red blood cells 2. Insulin – regulates blood glucose 3. Enzymes – speed up chemical reactions 4. Antibodies – fight infections
Biurets Solution – turns from blue to pink/purple
Blue Purple/Pink
Nucleic Acids
Elements/Atoms: C, H, O, N, P (phosphorus) Building Block (Monomer): Nucleotide ◦ 3 parts of a nucleotide: Sugar Phosphate group Nitrogen base
1. To store and transmit (pass on) hereditary (genetic) information 2. To provide instructions for making proteins
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Ribonucleic Acid