Student InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Futures I, II, IIICourse Addition Class Meetings SchedulingFreshmen Orientation Mailings
Staff InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Advisor/Advisee Program First day lesson designed and distributed Pathway Chairs present to faculty on the first day Determine lessons to be covered during periods First day lesson is provided with staff Defining the role of the advisor Bring kids in to discuss what advisory lessons will contain/foster relationships Creating folders/checklists Maintaining student folders
Parent InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy ES Brown Bag LunchID parents that will match Pathways Chairs introduce Pathway to counselor Inform cafeteria staff Letter home to parents ES counselor organizes Guidance D.H. provides parent script Include parents in Grad. Project Presentation Edit grad project to include parents Faculty meeting to explain change Student generated invitation Student Presentations at 9 th grade student orientation Pathway chairs ID possible students Schedule student meeting to explain role Principal will include in opening letter to parents
Business and Community Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Job Shadowing (grade 11)Guidance identifies 15 students/set up shadow Business contacts from business/ed partnership (Tri- Chamber Foundation) Educator in the WorkplaceIdentify teachers who haven’t participated in 10 years Faculty meetings Business/Ed Partnership Student InternshipStudy development of Internship program (guidelines & participants) Request assistance from workforce investment board/Kate Lomax Featured Career of the Month District wide involvementDevelopment & Implementation w/Pathway Chairs Graduation ProjectBusiness involvement through panel participation Carole Connolley
Postsecondary Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Dual EnrollmentPre-evaluation to determine eligibility Jr/Sr Class Meetings Develop monitoring processInformational letter to parents Align courses to given PathwayDual Enrollment/Pathway committee meetings Develop a process of measuring future success of Dual Enrollment students Using student models for Futures class Develop specific structure for Dual Enrollment program Using students as advocates with the public