USAID Ethiopia Feed the Future Strategy Overview Sustainable Intensification Workshop, ILRI Ethiopia Cullen Hughes January 30, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

USAID Ethiopia Feed the Future Strategy Overview Sustainable Intensification Workshop, ILRI Ethiopia Cullen Hughes January 30, 2012

2 Who is in the Ethiopia Feed the Future Team? US Government: Partners and Implementers: Government of Ethiopia ATA, MOA, MOH National and International Research Institutions NGOs Private contractors/ consulting firms Private Sector (Public private Partnerships)

EG&T DO Projects DO 1: Increased Growth and Resiliency in Rural Ethiopia IR 1: Performance of the agriculture sector improved (focus on productive areas) AGP-AMDe LGP CIAFS ELAP/Land Tenure WASH WHEAT ATA MASHAV PEPSI KLDP APS IR 2: Livelihood transition opportunities increased (focus on vulnerable areas) PRIME/PLI II WATER PEACE Corps KLDP APS IR 3: Private Sector Competitiveness (feeds into 1-2) FaBs WTO APS DCA MDTF APS IR 4: Resiliency to and protection from shocks and disasters increased PRIME/PLI II WATER KLDP APS IR 5: Nutritional status of women and young children improved. ENGINE CIAFS PRIME FEED APS

“Pastoral Ethiopia” large grazing areas, irregular climate “Hungry Ethiopia” irregular climate degraded soils small landholdings “Productive Ethiopia” larger landholdings predictable climate fertile soils Context: “Three Ethiopias” 45m 15-20m 12-14m

6 Agricultural growth Sustainable livelihoods for chronically vulnerable Policy development and Learning USAID/Ethiopia strategy has three interlinked Focus Areas that drive food security and nutrition objectives Linking the Vulnerable Policy and Capacity Enabler Growth-led Food Security COMPONENT 1 60% 30% 10% Link vulnerable productive Ethiopia to market opportunities COMPONENT 2 COMPONENT 3 Cross Cutting: Nutrition, Climate Change Governance Link vulnerable populations into “Productive Ethiopia”

7 1)Agricultural Growth Program (AGP)- agricultural productivity and market access for key crop and livestock products in the productive highlands. Geographic Area: 83 woredas in Productive Ethiopia Five years ( ), $320 million program Donors: World Bank; USG; Canadian International Development Agency [CIDA]; Spain; Netherlands; Finland; UNDP; Global Agriculture and Food Security Program [GAFSP] 2) Sustainable Land Management Program (SLMP)- to improve the livelihood of land users while restoring ecosystem functions and ensuring sustainable land management. Geographic Area: National. Five years ( ), $150 million program Donors: World Bank; USG; Finland). 3) Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP)- GoE’s overall umbrella Food Security Program (FSP). Geographic Area: 300 woredas in Hungry Ethiopia plus parts of Pastoral Ethiopia. Five years ( ), $1.8 billion program Donors: USG, World Bank, CIDA, Swiss International Development Agency, Irish Agency for International Development [Irish AID], United Kingdom Department for International Development [DfID], Denmark, EU and World Food Program [WFP]. 4) Household Asset Building Program (HABP)- to graduate 80 percent of PSNP beneficiaries by Geographic Area: 300 woredas in Hungry Ethiopia plus parts of Pastoral Ethiopia. Five years ( ), $648 million Donors: World Bank, Irish AID, DfID, CIDA and USG Platform Programs in Other Key Areas: National Nutrition Strategy (NNS) and Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy (CRGE) CAADP POLICY AND INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK PRIORITY INVESTMENTS – GOE PLATFORM PROGRAMS

8 “PUSH” Model will build assets for chronically vulnerable HHs to graduate into value chain efforts. Activities: Access to financial services Asset transfers (on credit) Livelihood and NRM training “PULL” Model will bring chronically vulnerable HHs with built assets into value chains so that they can build sustainable livelihoods. Activities: Contracts with private sector players to source from/employ vulnerable HHs Success metric: # HHs graduatedSuccess metric: # HHs linked to growth “Push and Pull” Hypothesis Asset accumulation/ Food security Stable livelihood through market integration Asset depletion/ Food insecurity

10 FTF nutrition investment – ENGINE Project Nutrition impact a key criteria in prioritizing value chains and PPP with PepsiCO (1,2) Nutrition education/behavior change programs (1,2) Focus on increasing incomes of vulnerable populations, particularly women Address wasting and micronutrient deficiencies Coordinate PSNP activities with those of the National Nutrition Program Integrating Nutrition Growth-led Food Security 1 Linking the Vulnerable 2 Conduct nutrition assessments to improve nutrition impact, analyses to understand impact and cost-effectiveness of various value chain interventions on child malnutrition Strengthening capacity of nutrition practitioner/policy makers Policy and Capacity Enabler 3

11 (This is a non-exhaustive list that excludes other USAID EG&T, ALT, OFDA and USDA programs that contribute to the Ethiopia FTF Strategy less directly) Who is “Push” and who is “Pull”?

12 (This is a non-exhaustive list that excludes other USAID EG&T, ALT, OFDA and USDA programs that contribute to the Ethiopia FTF Strategy less directly)



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