HIV Prevention Program with Youth and KPs Implemented by PSI/Rwanda Funded by CDC
Since 2001, PSI Rwanda has worked with key partners, including the National Youth Council (CNJR), the Anglican Church of Rwanda (EAR), and Society for Family Health (SFH), to reach youth and key populations across 6 districts in Rwanda KEY PARTNERS
GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE The project supports 4 youth centers in: Gasabo, Ngoma, Musanze and Huye Mobile VCT also offered in the other 2 districts of Kigali
GOALS & OBJECTIVES To reduce HIV and sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevalence among youth aged and young key populations (KPs) aged through improved sexual behaviors through five objectives: 1.Increase preventative and safer sexual behaviors, and uptake of HIV, STI services, among in- and out-of-school youth and young KPs through behavior change communication. 2.Improve youth and young MARP access to high-quality services for the prevention and treatment of HIV and STIs through fixed sites. 3.Improve targeted HIV and STI outreach services for KPs. 4.Provide technical support to Rwandan Partner Organizations (RPOs) and public institutions to design, implement and evaluate youth and young KPs targeted HIV and STI interventions. 5.Strengthen an M&E system to track program effectiveness.
TARGET POPULATIONS Female sex workersMen who have sex with menYouth ages 15-24
Family Planning (FP) Vocational Skills Training Peer Education SERVICES PROVIDED Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)
Between 2009 and 2014: 239,679 youths and 13,494 MSM and FSW were reached through IPC 352,298 youth reached through community events 3,519 peer educators trained 106,524 people tested through VCT 301 VCT counsellors trained
“I was 25 years old, pregnant, alone, and helpless. So I had no choice but to become a sex worker. After visiting the youth center and learning about HIV/AIDS, I volunteered to become a peer educator and received support to start my own business. Now I train others [in reproductive health], and help other sex workers to create and manage their own savings so that they too can leave sex work.” - Beatrice TESTIMONY
“Five years ago we were very afraid of this disease, HIV/AIDS, and were eager to learn more. So my friends and I came to this center to find out more. Today, I have learned so much about this disease [...] and I am proud. I am proud to know how to protect myself and improve my health wellbeing. I am proud because I can live my life to the fullest.” -Titan TESTIMONY
Develop a unified tracking system across implementing partners Improve tracking of individuals, particularly key populations Strengthen referrals Prioritize client confidentiality for tracking and referrals Motivate peer educators through recognition programs, continued education and access to job opportunities Switch to finger-prick HIV testing for rapid and efficient service delivery FOR ALL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES
Have MYICT oversee operations in youth centers Establish a technical working group so youth centers may share tools, best practices and lessons learned Expand SRH services at youth centers to include clinical services such as contraceptives, vaccinations, STI diagnosis and treatment, and sputum collection for tuberculosis. FOR YOUTH ACTIVITIES
Mobile VCT should continue. The HIV prevalence found during mobile activities is consistently higher than the national average, suggesting that PSI is reaching higher risk individuals. Ensure that the services are reaching the targeted population at the right place and time. Continue to hire public sector counselors for VCT service delivery Employ dedicated VCT counselors and lab technician at Gikondo Transit Camp FOR KEY POPULATION ACTIVITIES
For further information or detailed transition plans, please contact Cait Unites