Homework PowerPoint Due Dates on slides
Click HERE. Watch video. Answer questions. DUE 2/14HERE 1)What is Gerrymandering? 2)Why do states do this? 3)What rule(s) do states have to follow when redistricting? 4)Why is this controversial?
Start on page 311 Due 2/14 1.What does it mean that priorities are reflected by the budget? 2.What happens to the budget when the congress and the White House are different parties? 3.Explain 2 characteristics of budgeting. Why are budgets incremental? 4.Is it ok for there to be exceptions to the budget process? Explain. 5.Should the budget be scrutinized more so than other bills? Explain. 6.Who/what sets the rules for the budget process? 7. Explain the problems with the budget process.
Start on page 314 Due2/19 Create a brochure for new members of congress with these headings and answering these questions: 1) How should I vote? 2) How should I conduct business? --Talk about logrolling and specializing 3) Should I form alliances (or get kicked off the isle?) ? --importance of personal friends and PACs 4) Media?! Use it? Or Beware? 5) How do I manage my time? When do I use my staff. Each section of your brochure must include one of the following; a chart or graph, a picture, an historical example from US gov’t
Make sure you know these terms before your Chapter 10 exam on 2/26 Filibuster Pork-Barrel legislation Case work Incumbent (know in which house of congress is it harder for the challenger to win…why? Also what are the advantages of incumbency?) Standing Committees Conference Committee Earmarks Baker v Carr