1. Voucher Training or pesticide recert. 2. General Info 3. Get out of the house 4. Socialize 5. Yummy food!!
More than 41
A.Less than 5 years B.5 to 10 C.11 to 20 D.21 to 30 E.More than 30 years
A.Less than 5 years B.5 to 10 years C.11 to 20 years D.21 to 30 years E.More than 30 years Categories do not overlap! Unit of measure is years. What is a year? Calendar year? Fiscal year? 12 months? 2009?
A.Yes B.No C.Don’t know
A.Yes B.No C.Don’t know What is written procedures and policies? A piece of paper in my pocket? A notebook with notes? A formal policy?
Question and the “metric” should be consistently understood! Example: How many times have you accessed Extension services? What counts as accessing Extension services? Office visit? Web site? Child involved with 4- H?
A.0 % … no compost, sludge or manure is used B.Less than 25 % of the acreage C.26 to 50 % of the acreage D.51 to 75 % of the acreage
1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
Forced-Choice Questions – You have to decide! 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
1. Very Effective 2. Effective 3. Neutral 4. Ineffective
Balanced response scale. Could add neutral (such as next slide) or NA. I don’t use neutral because I want to force a ranking. Another option: Effective Somewhat Effective Somewhat Ineffective Ineffective 1. Very Effective 2. Effective 3. Ineffective 4. Very Ineffective
1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree
1. Yes lots 2. Some 3. Not much
1. Yes lots 2. Some 3. Not really
1. Yes, lots 2. Some 3. Not really
1. Yes 2. No
1. Family 2. Club 3. Potential members and families 4. No one
26 1. Tomatoes 2. Meat 3. Jam, jelly 4. Corn 5
28 1. Mason jars 2. Old mayo jars 3. Spaghetti sauce jars 4. All of the above
30 1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent
31 1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent What’s the problem?
32 1. Nothing 2. A Little 3. Some 4. A Lot
10 1. Always 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Rarely 5. Never
5 1. Always 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Rarely 5. Never
Frequency scale. Sometimes is the mid-point in the scale. If you said always, almost always, most of the time, just about always, and never, you would have an unbalanced scale. These frequencies lean toward a positive response on budgeting money. 1. Always 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Rarely 5. Never
Participants may not accurately assess their pre-program knowledge or behaviors. Then, at the end of the program, their new understanding of the program content may affect their response on the post self- assessment. They are actually responding based on two different frames of reference. Example on handout.
1. Always 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Rarely 5. Never
1. Always 2. Often 3. Sometimes 4. Rarely 5. Never
1. On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator 2. In the microwave 3. In cold water changed every 20 minutes 4. On the kitchen counter
1. On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator 2. In the microwave 3. In cold water changed every 20 minutes 4. On the kitchen counter
1. Keep it 2. Toss it
1. Keep it 2. Toss it
48 Food kept frozen at 0 degrees F is still safe to eat. However, it may not taste as good. To assure best flavor, prepare and serve a frozen turkey within a year.
1. Keep it 2. Toss it
1. Keep it 2. Toss it
51 Foods with eggs, milk, and a high moisture content – such as pumpkin pie – must be refrigerated. Avoid keeping pumpkin pie at room temperature more than TWO hours, including time after baking AND before being served. Some commercial pumpkin pies – purchased at room temperature – must later be refrigerated. Check label for storage requirements and don’t buy them if label directions are unclear or missing.
Decide if you are after process (how’s it going) or content (have you learned anything) Only ask what you need to ask ◦ Survey fatigue Only one question at a time—no “double- barrell” (Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables? Do you volunteer in a local, state, or national 4-H effort?)
Consider literacy levels ◦ Advantages of clickers Test your questions: Can be simple—say them out loud to yourself, to others. Have your neighbor read them. Watch out for bias and leading questions: ◦ Do you think agriculture in Maryland is considered as important as it should be? How do you feel about the inadequate funding for University of Maryland Extension?
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Watch out for: ◦ jargon and acronyms ◦ sensitive information ◦ gotcha questions ◦ irrelevant questions