STRONG SOLDIERS, STRONG TEAMS! UNCLASSIFIED As of 16 Sep 11SABER STRIKE 12 1 Theater Opening Task Organization X MPF Off-load BALTOPS X ESG-2 CJTF Saber Strike 2012 X X FCP Combined Movements Center
STRONG SOLDIERS, STRONG TEAMS! UNCLASSIFIED As of 16 Sep 11SABER STRIKE 12 2 Provide input to the exercise plan Determine movement costs for exercise execution Draft transportation and movement concept Draft manning document to support theater opening Draft theater opening specific life support requirements Develop base operations plan for theater opening exercise locations Draft command and control structure for Theater Opening Joint Task Force Draft a synchronized Procurement Strategy with NAVEUR/MARFOREUR contracting assets Develop initial equipment listing Determine mode/source of exercise cargo based on available budget and timeline Publish initial timeline for decision points and requirements submission Confirm TO specific site survey requirements and timeline 2 Theater Opening Syndicate Syndicate leaders – LTC Looney / MAJ Toompalu / Responsibilities:
STRONG SOLDIERS, STRONG TEAMS! UNCLASSIFIED As of 16 Sep 11SABER STRIKE 12 Area of Operations FTX CJTF/EXCON Theater Opening Exercise 280 KM 97 KM 297 KM Area of Operations 236 KM 145 KM CPX 50 KM BALTOPS MPF Offload USAF (A-10,KC-135, CRE)
STRONG SOLDIERS, STRONG TEAMS! UNCLASSIFIED As of 16 Sep 11SABER STRIKE 12 4 R R R R R R R R ITV Laydown R R US Army USMC USAF Radio Frequency Identification VISTARS Satellite Tracker 1.US Rail Moves? 2.Estonian Convoy 3.Lithuanian Convoy 4.NTVs (EST-LVA) SPOD?
STRONG SOLDIERS, STRONG TEAMS! UNCLASSIFIED As of 16 Sep 11SABER STRIKE 12 5 CENTRALIZED Preferred COA All countries provide Liaison to central cell ITV feed received via BCS3 ITV crossover to LOGFAS Common Operating Picture managed on BCS3 & LOGFAS Theater Opening/RSOM Common Operating Picture DISTRIBUTED US provides Liaison to National Movements Centers ITV feed received via BCS3 Common Operating Picture managed and shared on BCS3
STRONG SOLDIERS, STRONG TEAMS! UNCLASSIFIED As of 16 Sep 11SABER STRIKE 12 6 Planning exercise between 21TSC JTF TORCH, Estonian MOI, HNSC and US Embassy Conducted during JUN exercise window Crisis event similar to EU CREMEX Torch party arrives to coordinate US assistance with MOI under US Embassy guidance Deployment of US response coordinated with HNSC CPX (JDLM Simulation) execution of deployment Consequence Management Command Post Exercise Currently Pending USEUCOM approval during 19 SEP FCM VTC and Estonian participation decision.