Developing an On-Line Training Program in Research Administration Stacy Miller Sr. Grant and Contract Officer NCURA Regional 2011
Personal Observation T here is a historical belief that formal training in research administration is not necessary for researchers and/or research administrators. The organization hires experienced researchers, research administrators and central office grant officers. The culture of the organization dictates that education should not be required which gave rise to periodic confusion, researchers and administrators alike attempt to process proposals based upon prior experience from previous organizations. Change has occurred…CSMC is launching a self paced on-line training program is based upon staff and management input along with new leadership, resulting in identifying this educational opportunity. Spring 2011
LEAD ME Personal Best Project Journal Educational project was identified “Lost in the minutia” Institutional awareness - need for educational tools Parallel request for a volunteer to develop an institutional on-line training Process includes: Ongoing regular meetings with the Operations Manager on developing a training program Continual collaboration with Grants and Contracts Manager, SRFA Director and colleagues Review of external training materials and resources Collaborate with and visit Stanford University Process continues…..
Educational GAPS : RESEARCHERS/PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS Increased number of new investigators joining Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Increased number of investigators independently completing proposal applications RESEARCH ADMINISTRATORS Existing Research Administrators with varied skill set Increase in the number of new Department Research Administrators Frequent miscommunication between central office and the departments CENTRAL OFFICE Central office experiencing an increase in assistance to the department Increase in proposal errors caused by departmental administrators not familiar with their role Frequent miscommunication between central office and the departments
Opportunities/Challenges: Expand Medical Center vision to include “Excellence in Research” Efficiency and improvement in Research Administration Personal responsibility for future education Individual opportunity for advancement Develop a “homegrown” program
Plan of Action: 1. Evaluate the ROG survey results 2. Identify subjects for immediate development 3. Review other intranet-based self paced training programs 4. Investigate program developers and compare providers 5. Guidance from Stanford University 6. Develop a series of self paced Research Administration Training modules that are knowledge-based 7. Introduction to the research community “quest for a logo” 8. Finalize top three modules 9. Test modules, test process, test the quizzes 10. Develop the certification system 11. Evaluation prior to launch
The Stakeholders: Sponsored Research and Fund Administration Director, Management and Professional Staff Vice President for Research Vice President for Academic Affairs Research Institute Principal Investigators All Department Research Administrators Colleagues and Partners
Wrap-up Any Questions?