Project presentation „ CAVE BEAT 2012 “ international music festival in caves CAVES ADMINISTRATION CZ S tate B ody CAVE BEAT C ommunity I nterest C ompany January 2012
„CAVE BEAT 2012“ Vision: International music festival in caves „nature, man and art “ Goal: to create specific conditions for playful dialog in prehistoric cave spaces with live acoustic music, which will leave the spectators with extraordinary art, sensual and emotional experience
Brief project description Project will follow up beneficial concert tour DIDGERIDOO IN CAVE 2011 ( which is encompassing new music genres and is focused now on multi-genre acoustical music and potential of vocal performance. In 2012 there will be 12 acoustic concerts in 12 different cave spaces in various areas of three European states: Czech republic, Slovak republic and Hungary. Part of the income will be put towards support of educational school projects focused on caves and surrounding landscapes. This year theme is nature, man and art.
First festival event:14 th April 2012 Alikvot enssamble Spektrum, Prague Will perform at Sloupsko-šošůvské caves, Eliska’s Hall, Czech Republic.
Festival Organization Colaboration of CAVE ADMINISTRATION of ČR, state body, and organisational team of CAVE BEAT, community interest company, which goal is to organize music, cultural and educational events for schools and public. Concerts during the tour festival CAVE BEAT will take place from spring till autumn of Always during Saturday evenings in different caves – there will be altogether 12 music events in three European states – CZ, SK, HU. In the cave domes there will be presented musicians of various genres focused on acoustical music and vocal art. Informational and propagation web is in preparation:
Organizers CAVE ADMINISTRATION ČR, Průhonice, S tate B ody CAVE BEAT, Olomouc C ommunity I nterest C ompany Contact person Mgr. Zdeněk Vilímek the head of organization cell phone: