Get the most authentic science experiences you can! Biological Sciences Honours Course 4100 Informational Meeting Feb 26, :45 pm, 301 BSB
COORDINATORS:Members of the Honours Thesis Committee (HTC): Dr. Jason Treberg, , (chair ) Dr. Dirk Weihrauch, , Dr. Anne Worley, , Dr. Sylvie Renault, , Dr. Jay Kormish, , Dr. Jillian Detwiler, , Dr. Jane Waterman, , Honours Committee 2015 – 2016
What is BIOL 4100? A six credit hour course: designed to give students experience in scientific research from inception to presentation Includes: planning extensive background reading experimental design and execution data analyses communication of results (both written and orally)
Opportunity to complete a self-directed research project - Learn how research is done - Do I have a talent for research? - Do I enjoy doing research? Why take BIOL 4100? - Major qualification for your future scientific life
To enroll in BIOL 4100… 1. Student must have: Make sure you have the grade requirements... - ≥ C + grade in all Biological Sciences courses - GPA ≥ th Year Honours status in Biological Sciences - BIOL3100
To enroll in BIOL 4100… 2. Student is responsible for finding an advisor AND, with the advisor’s help, find an additional committee member within (or associated) with the Biological Sciences Department → need a co-advisor within the department For non-faculty (e.g. adjunct) advisors → must be approved by Honours committee
Committees… Each student has a committee composed of: i) advisor(s) ii) one member of the Honours Committee Role: Assess student proposal and progress report Ensure consistency among thesis projects Grade thesis document and oral defense iii) one additional committee member
BIOL 4100 Course Structure No formal lectures or labs! 3. Thesis exam symposium ( April 2016 ) 2. Progress meeting ( Document: due 15 th of Dec.; Meeting date by the end of 2 nd week on Jan ) 1. Proposal meeting ( May/Sept ) Three general meetings:
Course requirements Summer: by end of April 2015 Fall: start of September 2015 Summer: early May 2015 Fall: early September 2015 Due: 15 Dec Due: 2 nd week of Jan Data collection & preliminary analysis complete OR VW Major Degree Due: end March 2016 mid April 2016 (before final exams) Written Proposal Proposal presentation Written Progress report Written Progress Presentation Written Thesis Thesis Defense Presentation
Evaluation (overview) Proposal (written & oral)10% Progress Report (written & oral)15% Thesis (written)50% Thesis defense (oral & exam)10% Conduct of research ( supervisor )15% 100%
Thesis (written) Usually 30+ page document (please not 50 or more) - final revised copy to office by 29 April thesis to all examiners by 29 March st draft to supervisor by 4 March style follows departmental guidelines
Thesis (oral defense) After classes end, before exams (~10 April 2016) → questions from Examining committee ( 5-10 minutes of questions from each examiner ) → questions from general audience → 12 minute presentation ( project overview and research findings )
What next ? If you have already identified an advisor ( and the additional committee member ) : → start to formulate questions; initiate proposal writing → safety training; animal care course? animal care protocol forms? → Manitoba Conservation permits?
What next ? If you have not yet identified an advisor: → check out the Biological Sciences website for a list of potential advisors → meet with potential advisor(s) → discuss possible research projects → formulate research questions... Don’t Delay !!!
QUESTIONS? (HTC chair ) Also see: