Peer Mentoring Bournville School Gifted Students Programme
The Room Layout Pretty much as today!
Sit in your groups As shown on the posters on the wall (and below )
Ice Breakers Activity 1: “2 Truths and a Lie” Activity 2: “Human Knot Race”
How was last year? 1 st year for the Gifted Students Programme. Some bits better than others. In you groups have a discussion about what you enjoyed and what was not so great last year (5mins) Agree on a group rating for the programme out of 10 for it’s 1 st year. Agree a score for what you expect the programme to be like this year. (3 mins)
Lets look forward to a great new year! A Positive Attitude brings Strength, Energy and Initiative. To think negatively is like taking a weakening drug. Remember
What’s this PEER THINGY all about? Giving you a bit more influence and responsibility Developing your leadership and coaching skills – massively important in jobs today! Making new contacts Sharing experiences and advice
And what will we have to do exactly? 2 times a year set targets/review previous targets [15 minute meetings] 2 times a year write up targets on your own Independent Learning Plan [online record for staff to see and sent home for parents] Work with other students to give advice (particularly those who are younger) [online forums] Give feedback to the school about what we are doing well and not so well for you [volunteer feedback group]
So how will it work… Groups of 5 Attached to a tutor for support as you need it Buddied up with another person from your group who is a year younger Will hold target setting/action planning meetings with each other Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Sixth Form Mentor Tutor
The Exact Plan for the Day
What is Peer Coaching/Mentoring? Peer? Coaching? Mentoring? A couple of examples… - what similarities are there - what differences are there - note them down on the sheet provided
Your Turn … to try out the ideas In your groups of 4 One person is the coach, one the “client” and 2 observers Have a 3 minute meeting about a goal of your choice – focus on how they will achieve it Observers note any details they see 1 minute to feedback on the coaches role Rotate the roles until all have been the coach. Use the coach prompt questions as needed and Observers use the observer recording sheets.
And what will happen for the target setting… It will happen on Wednesday 19 th Nov in Elgar Hall during periods 3 and 4 (arrive during break time for biscuits and drinks!) You may already have had a meeting with your form tutor – BRING YOUR TARGETS WITH YOU. Your G&T tutor will be on hand to help guide you on the day. You will have computer access to complete your ILPs on the day.
TEAM Game Activity 1: “Run Around”
Evaluation Complete an evaluation of the session today to help us to plan for future sessions. Please be honest and take your time to think carefully.
Clear up Everyone should contribute towards the clearing of the hall before break time. Thank you!
Remembrance 2 minutes silence at 11am.