European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Range
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Overview The use of the IT tool is recommended Range is based on the distribution map (consist of 10x10km ETRS grid system) Different gap distances for different habitats/species based on the ecological facts Rules to calculate spatial ranges: gap distances, environmental variables used for fitting. Possible manual intervention in case of incomplete distribution data No need to submit a range map, if the range is to be calculated by the ETC tool
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity
Gap closing rules Previous reporting round: a discontinuity of more than 40-50km shall be considered as a gap in range. the gap distance depends on ecological characteristic of the habitat/species and a character of the surrounding landscape
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity
Gap closing rules Previous reporting round: a discontinuity of more than km shall be considered as a gap in range. Sedentary organisms- 40km Insects-40km Mobile organisms (fish, amphibians, reptiles) – 50km Highly mobile mammals 70-90km Localised habitats 40km Widespread habitats 50 km Range = distribution for very localized habitats/species linked to the particular environmental conditions (eg. alpine species, estuaries)
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Fitting to environmental variables Areas to be excluded from the range marine areas from the range of terrestrial species terrestrial areas from the range of marine species areas in the biogeographical region where habitat type/species does not occur areas more than 20km from coastline for coastal habitats if data exist areas that do not overlap with limnic environment for freshwater habitats and species
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Calculation principles Range tools from MS: 2 range tools from Spain and Romania, negotiation to get the 3 rd from Sweden. Romanian tool Runs under ArcGIS 9.3 Create lines between 2 grid cells if distance between their centroids is equal or lower to defined value Analyses where set of lines form a polygon Includes grid cells which are intersected by created lines and polygons into a range
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Some problematic points Occasional occurrences occasional occurrences shall not be mapped in the distribution map Incomplete data set manual intervention will be needed in order to complete the range map Technical sollution: increasing the gap distance
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity Marine mammals and turtles Highly mobile – big ranges Distribution data incomplete Proposal to report all marine region as the RANGE, but: Some marine mammals are known to occur mainly within particular depth, over continental shelf or slope, within particular temperature zone. Unsuitable areas excluded?
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity