Let’s review all that we know about Animal Classification. You will answer questions from this Web Quest in your Science Journal. You will →define the word "classification". →know and compare the two main classifications for animals. →know the five classifications of vertebrates. → explain at least 3 characteristics for each of the five classifications. →name at least three classifications for invertebrates. Remember to use your own words. If you copy the words, you do not show what you know and you know a lot!
Use the link below to find a definition for "classification". Explain the definition in your own words. Do not copy what you read on the screen. Can you think of other words that are synonyms for the word "classification"? Look at your Language Arts chart if you do not remember what a synonym is. Write the synonyms in your journal.
What are the two main classifications for animals? What part of the body is used to help scientists group animals this way? If you are not sure, click below to find the answer. Be sure to write your answers in your journal.
The backbone is the important part of an animal’s body that scientists use to classify animals. Vertebrates are animals that have backbones and invertebrates do not have back bones.
Name the five groups of animals that are vertebrates. List them in your journal. 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4.______________________ 5.______________________ If you cannot remember click the icon below.
Now you will complete some web searching on your own. Use a search engine below to answer the questions on the next slides. Choose from the icons below.
Write the word Amphibian in your journal. Write at least 3 characteristics of an amphibian. Choose facts that are true about all amphibians. Amphibians 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
Write the word bird in your journal. Write at least 3 characteristics of an amphibian. Choose facts that are true about all amphibians. Birds 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
i Write the word fish in your journal. Write at least 3 characteristics of an amphibian. Choose facts that are true about all amphibians. Fish 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
Write the word mammal in your journal. Write at least 3 characteristics of an amphibian. Choose facts that are true about all amphibians. Mammal 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
Write the word reptiles in your journal. Write at least 3 characteristics of an amphibian. Choose facts that are true about all amphibians. Reptiles 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________
All invertebrates share common characteristics or traits. Now write the word Invertebrates below and fill in 3 characteristics that all invertebrates share. Invertebrates 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________ If you need help, click the icon below.
Now that you have reviewed all of the information that you need for the test tomorrow it is time to use that information to think. You will use all that you have learned to answer either the question on this page or the next. Really think about your answers before you begin to write. Go back to your desk and brainstorm. 1. Knowing what you do about vertebrates and invertebrates which one would win in a fight? Think about all of the amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles. Then consider what you know about spiders, beetles, scorpions, snails, octopi, and bees. How would they fight each other? What could they do to hurt the other? Does size count? Does the back bone make a difference? How many questions can you ask yourself? Research any animals that you choose and then explain whether vertebrates or invertebrates would beat the other. You must prove to me that you are right. Use what you know.
Knowing what you do about insects make your own insect that you think will survive the longest in the wild. You will choose parts (antennae, abdomen, head, exoskeleton, thorax, legs, etc.) from different insects. Consider basic structures (parts) of each insect. What function does it serve? Consider habitat, diet, defense, camouflage, mimicry, and adaptations. How many questions can you ask yourself? Research insects, choose which parts of which insects you would use and then explain why your insect is a super bug. You must prove to me that you are right. Use what you know. USE ME!!!
Do you want to study tonight for your test? Visit Quizlet in the link below. Don't forget that the challenge question to earn a 4 is this mnemonic. King Phillip Came Over From Groovy Spain Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species