Comprehension for Primary 6
Read the story of Mother’s Day carefully and then fill in the blank with a suitable word. Nowadays, we celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May. On that day, sons and daughters give presents to their mothers, or have dinner with their mother in the restaurants. The Greek had the first Mother’s Day in spring in ancient times. They celebrated Rhea, the mother of the gods on Mother’s Day. Later, the English started to have their ‘Mothering Sunday’ on the fourth Sunday following Easter in the 17 th century. During
that time, most of the people in England were poor. They lived in the houses of the rich and worked for them. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch. Although Mother’s Day is a day that we can give special thanks to our mothers, it should not be the only day to do so. We should always give thanks to our mothers for their endless love to us.
1.Mother’s Day originated in _______________. 2. In the 17 th century, the English had a cake called a ____________ for celebrating Mother’s Day. 3. Nowadays, people celebrate Mother’s Day on the _______________ Sunday in May. 4. Rhea was the _____________ of the gods. 5. We should always give _____________ to our mothers. Fill in the blank with a suitable word/words. Greece mothering cake second mother thanks