George Orwell “I do not think one can assess a writer’s motives without knowing something of his early development.” ~George Orwell
Biography The name George Orwell is actually a penname; his real name is Eric Blair Lived from Born in India Parents were a part of the British forces that occupied India
Growing up Went to Eton; a prestigious school in England. Had cruel administrators that made him reject traditional education Returned to India to be a part of the Imperial Police; saw an elephant shot to death in streets His time as a part of the police force made him realize the dangers of power “No one can look back on his schooldays and say with truth that they were altogether unhappy.” --George Orwell
His education: He was sent to boarding school at the age of eight to prepare for Eton, an exclusive prep school. Because he had a scholarship, he was teased and humiliated frequently.
Becoming a Writer Orwell quit the police force after 5 years and returned to England to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a writer Lived for many years washing dishes and writing; he was always on the edge of poverty After beginning to be published, he continued to study the working class and different fascist governments
The Creation of Animal Farm Written in the spring of 1945 Orwell’s 4 th novel Translated into over 39 languages Publication was delayed because of WWII as well as controversy over his message against the Russian Revolution
Orwell’s View’s
Socialist: someone who believes that the government should own businesses so that everyone will be equal