George Orwell's 1984 History and Background – Literature as metaphor
Context n World War 2 – n A conflict between the allied powers u US (1941), British, Soviet Union F There were many others, but these were the big three
Context n World War 2 – n A conflict between the allied powers n And the Axis Powers:
Context n World War 2 – n A conflict between the allied powers n And the Axis Powers: u Nazi Germany, Italy, Japan
Context n Germany fell in May 1945, leaving a HUGE power vacuum in Europe
Context n Germany fell in May 1945, leaving a HUGE power vacuum in Europe n The leaders of the US/Britain and the Soviet Union had a chance to finally look at the other side, rather than focusing so much on the war effort
Context n What they saw: u HUGE differences in structure, both through style of government and economic distribution
Context n Capitalism/Free Market n The means of production are privately owned, operated, and regulated n Rate of production (how much is made) and the price of goods are dictated by supply/demand
Context n Planned/Socialist n The government owns, controls, and regulates the means of production n Rate of production and cost are dictated by government, private price-setting is generally not allowed.
Context n The US made it a mission to “preserve” their way of life by preventing the threat of Socialism/Communism
Context n The US made it a mission to “preserve” their way of life by preventing the threat of Socialism/Communism n Russia, headed by Joseph Stalin, held a similar policy of expansion
Context n As a result, by 1949, The Soviet Union had gone from friend of the allies (Britain/US) to a potential threat.
Post-WW2 Europe
The Players: n Leon Trotsky
Trotsky n An Early Party Leader under Lenin u Came into disfavor as Stalin rose to power, eventually was demonized by Stalin’s new Party. u Even after his exile, rumors were kept alive that he was around and causing trouble…a Soviet boogey- man!
Trotsky n “Trotskyism” – a marxist philosophy which did not oppose Stalinism, merely existed alongside of it – his popularity was a threat to Stalin’s personal power. n Opposed the non-aggression pact between SU and Germany n Assassinated in Mexico by a Spanish-born Soviet agent
The Players n Leon Trotsky n Josef Stalin
Stalin n Began consolidating power when Lenin died in 1924 n Replaced Lenin’s plans with a series of 5-year plans, focusing on a cult of personality and a consolidation of personal power
Context n The cold war was dominated by three elements:
Context n The cold war was dominated by three elements: u Fear
Context n The cold war was dominated by three elements: u Fear u Suspicion
Context n The cold war was dominated by three elements: u Fear u Suspicion u Power
Context n The cold war was dominated by three elements: u Fear F The Red Menace, WW3 u Suspicion F Your neighbor could be a red… u Power F Mutually Assured Destruction F Tech and Arms Races to keep up with the Soviets
About the Author n “George Orwell” was the pen name of Eric Blair. n Orwell was an Englishman born in India in He died at age 47. n Orwell was educated at Eton, a prestigious boarding school in England.
More About the Author n Orwell decided to skip college and work as a British Imperial Policeman in Burma n He hated working in Burma and returned to English on sick-leave n Once back in England he dedicated himself to writing full time. n 1984 was written in 1948
Orwell’s Political Views n He considered himself a democratic socialist and was critical of communism n He hated intellectuals, lying, cruelty, political authority, and totalitarianism n He strongly opposed Stalin and Hitler -- he was very outspoken during WWII
Orwell’s Political Views n It is PHENOMENALLY important to remember: when he wrote 1984, essentially a satire critical of Stalinism, the Allies were still happy with the Soviet Union…it was not until 1949 that this broke down and he was able to publish his novel.
1984: Setting and Genre n Futuristic, cautionary novel n Setting: London, in the mythical country of Oceania, 1984 (in the future)
Characters: Winston Smith n Winston Smith: Main character and the narrator of the story. n Winston is a 39 year old low- ranking member of the ruling Party n He secretly hates Big Brother and harbors revolutionary dreams n Winston is thin, frail, contemplative, intellectual
Characters: Julia n Julia is Winston’s 25 year old lover n She is a beautiful, dark-haired woman who enjoys sex and claims to have had affairs with many Party members n She is optimistic and her rebellion is small and personal
Characters: O’Brien n A mysterious, powerful, and sophisticated member of the Inner Party n Winston believes O’Brien is a member of the “Brotherhood” -- a legendary group of anti-Party rebels n Winston trusts and admires O’Brien, but never quite figures him out
Characters: Mr. Charrington n A kind and encouraging old man who runs a second-hand shop in the prole district n He rents Winston and Julia a room without a telescreen so they can carry on their love affair n He seems supportive of Winston’s rebellion against the Party
Characters: Big Brother n Big Brother is the perceived ruler of Oceania -- he looks like a combination of Hitler and Stalin n Big Brother’s God-like image is stamped on coins and projected on telescreens -- his face is unavoidable
1984: Oceania’s Ranks n Oceania is a huge country ruled by The Party, which is led by a figure called “Big Brother” n The Inner Party (1% of pop.) control the country n The Outer Party (18% of pop.) are controlled by the Inner Party n The Proles (81% of pop.) are the labor power who live in poverty n The Brotherhood is an underground rebellion organization lead by Emmanuel Goldstein
1984: Newspeak n Newspeak is the official language of Oceania n The goal of the Party is to have Newspeak replace Oldspeak (standard English) n Newspeak eliminates undesirable words and invents new words -- all to force Party conformity
1984: Doublethink n Doublethink is the manipulation of the mind by making people accept contradictions n Doublethink makes people believe that the Party is the only institution that knows right from wrong n “The Ministry of Truth” (where Winston works) changes history, facts, and memories to promote Doublethink
1984: Ministries n Ministry of Truth (MINITRU) n Ministry of Peace (MINIPAX) n Ministry of Love (MINILUV) n Ministry of Plenty (MINIPLENTY)
1984: Story Overview n Winston is sick of his job fabricating and changing history at the “Ministry of Truth” n As we first meet him, he understands something is dangerously wrong with the world, seeing the contradictions in the Party slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength n He also is painfully aware of the consequences for even THINKING these things…