The Potential of a Vehicle-to-Grid System Zak Michiels V2G Technology The Potential of a Vehicle-to-Grid System Zak Michiels
Presentation Overview V2G Overview V2G Motivation Important Terms University of Delaware Study Current Limitations Questions
What is V2G V2G stands for Vehicle-to-Grid A system where EVs sell back energy from their batteries to the grid Can be fully electric vehicles or hybrids or any other vehicle with a battery
Theoretical Set Up
V2G Motivation Industry predicts EV to be the future Potential domestic energy security Vehicles parked ~23 hours of the day Potential solutions to grid problems Regulation Spinning reserve Variability in intermittent sources Peak loading
Regulation System Operators changing the amount of energy generation Generation must match load or frequency will drop (excess load) or increase (excess generation) Occurs on a minute by minute basis Must have responsive generation Currently costs $30 – 45/MW-hour
Spinning Reserve Available generation capacity Used if a generator fails Used only a couple times a month Must respond in 10 minutes Currently costs $10 – 15/MW-hour
Intermittent Resources Energy resources occurring on an irregular schedule Wind Solar Wave Power Availability doesn’t follow load Currently no great way to store energy
Peak Loading The peak load is the max amount of power demanded from grid System is built to match peak loads Generally occurs in the afternoon Yearly peak occurs in summer
University of Delaware Kempton et al Feasibility study for V2G Began in 2003 Successfully connected EV Oct 2007 Tested ability of EV to meet typical demands of a V2G system EV with 35 kWh battery 120 to 150 miles per charge
Financial Study Plugged in 80% of the time $10/MW-hr SR and $40/MW-hr Reg Gross revenue (not net)
Experiment Summary The technology works Effective in grid regulation Need more EVs for this to be a valid option There is a potential financial market incentive Would still need to maintain a level of backup generation
Current Limitations EVs are significantly more expensive Battery Technology (Li-ion) Immature technology = Expensive Excessive battery cycling Temperature sensitive Transformer sizing Drivers to sacrifice a level of independence
Questions Do you think the grid regulation is worth the extra battery strain? Will you have an electric vehicle in 10 years? 20 years? Ever? Should this be considered a green technology? Energy independence?
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