What’s on the Horizon? Allabelle Allison ITEP/TAMS Center
Web-based Tribal Air Monitoring Network – A Pilot Project with 5 tribes and the TAMS Center
3 National Environmental Information Exchange Network (NEIEN) EPA formed NEIEN to –Encourage information sharing between states and tribes –Encourage standardized format of data submission for air –Build capacity for network participation Every year, grants awarded to tribes, states, other organizations or
4 Drafted Proposal to NEIEN Recruited 5 tribes based on their program plans and readiness to set-up continuous monitoring and meteorological equipment –Walker River Paiute Tribe –Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Tribe –Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe –Bishop Paiute Tribe –Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community
5 Objectives of Pilot Study Provide tribes seamless Internet access to air monitoring data in their communities Facilitate submission of data from tribes to AQS Demonstrate advantages of web-based, automated system for collecting, validating and reporting data
6 Objectives of Pilot Study (cont.) Create model for other tribes Encourage other tribes to participate Create Tribal Environmental Monitoring System (TEMS) Network at TAMS Center in future years Provide training to pilot tribes on use of software and monitoring equipment
7 Registered Software Specifications Retrieve data from several remote air quality stations at the same time Relay data to central data system –Combination of telephone, satellite, CDPD modems, packet radio modems, DSL, cable or ISDN lines Automatic reporting to AQS, AQI and AirNOW
8 Registered Software Specifications (cont.) Graphically display data using color coded flags –Must also illustrate alphanumeric data, slopes, intercepts Separate permissions for data editing by tribe, site, parameter Produce web-based reports by report or parameter
9 Software Capabilities Economically acquires air and water data every 15 minutes or less Disseminates near real-time and historical data to tribe or other agencies Provides data validation, analysis and reporting tools for AQS submission Provides on-line system diagnostics, operations tools, documentation, and SOPs
10 Continuous Data Pollution parameters: ozone, NOx, NOy, SO2, CO, CH4, H2S, visibility, particulate matter, other Meteorological parameters: wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure, dew point temperature, solar radiation, etc. Water parameters: dissolved oxygen, phosphates, ammonia, conductance, salinity, pH, flow, temperature, etc.
11 Websites
Passive Ozone Samplers
13 Passive Ozone Samplers Passive devices exposed to ambient air for short period (usually one week) Weight of nitrate used to calculate ozone exposure Low-cost, simple to use, no power required
14 Passive Ozone Devices
15 Details Samplers consist of double-sided filter holder, mounted on “badge” with clip on back Inside filter holder are 2 nitrite-coated filters through which ozone diffuses through end caps Reacts with nitrite to form nitrate
16 Siting Criteria Must be representative of regional air A clearing of 50 meters is needed –Don’t place near heavily traveled roads, parking lots, or combustion sources Document the site location
17 Sampling Periods/Data Reporting Exposure period normally 1 week 3–5 month studies should suffice Ozone concentrations calculated and compared to nearest continuous ozone monitors, national ozone standards, regional trends, etc. Weight of nitrate used to calculate ozone exposure dose or Average ozone exposure determined by dividing ozone dose by exposure time