Huntington Public Schools Digital Portfolio for <Certification>
Digital Portfolio Categories Category 1 : Category 1 : Category 1 : Category 1 : Professional Performance Professional Performance Category 2 : Category 2 : Student Relationship Student Relationship Category 3 : Category 3 : Professional Growth Professional Growth Category 4 : Category 4 : Professional Attributes Professional Attributes Requirements
Category 1 : Professional Performance Professional Performance Professional Performance *Collecting and using data for instruction *Collecting and using data for instruction Sample lesson plans Sample lesson plans Sample unit plan Sample unit plan Center activity (primary/intermediate) Center activity (primary/intermediate) Student assessment instruments Student assessment instruments Student projects Student projects Requirements
Category 2 : Student Relationship Student Relationship Student Relationship Letters/Newsletters to parents or students Letters/Newsletters to parents or students Course requirement sheet (secondary) Course requirement sheet (secondary) Efforts to involve parents in instructional Efforts to involve parents in instructional process process Teacher-generated interims (secondary) Teacher-generated interims (secondary) Efforts to increase student engagement and connectivity Efforts to increase student engagement and connectivity Requirements
Category 3 : Professional Growth Professional Growth Professional Growth *All Observations & APPR’s *All Observations & APPR’s Observation with attached reflection of how suggestions were addressed or how feedback was used in future lessons Observation with attached reflection of how suggestions were addressed or how feedback was used in future lessons Conferences/Workshop Attendance Conferences/Workshop Attendance Peer Reviewed Lesson Association affiliation/participation Peer Reviewed Lesson Association affiliation/participation Professional literature reading list with Professional literature reading list with reflection on (2) pieces reflection on (2) pieces Requirements
Category 4 : Professional Attributes Professional Attributes Professional Attributes Committee participation (building-based or district) Committee participation (building-based or district) Resume of interscholastic, extra curricular, co-curricular and/or supervisory participation Resume of interscholastic, extra curricular, co-curricular and/or supervisory participation Collaboration effort with colleagues for curriculum development, unit implementation or completion of project with colleagues Collaboration effort with colleagues for curriculum development, unit implementation or completion of project with colleagues Requirements