Symbolic Musical Analysis CS 275B/Music 254
Practicalities CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field2
Course context Music 253Symbolic Musical Data How to encode musical data sets (scores) Music 254Symbolic Music Analysis (Music Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation) How to decode musical data sets Query = data extraction Analysis = data evaluation Style simulation = data assessment and manipulation Eleanor Selfridge-Field CS 275B
Elements of the course 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field 4 Samples: Query: Themefinder (melody) Analysis: Humdrum (harmony, rhythm, melody) Style simulation: Humdrum (involves integration of other operations) Project part: (a) literature survey (b) tool development (3) presentation and write-up CS 275B
Topic schedule 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field 5 Musical topics: Week 2Melody; data sources; similarity Week 3Harmony; current work Week 4Rhythm; current work Methodological topics (vary from year to year): Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 CS 275B
Contexts and resources CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field6
CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field7 Musical data Notation (Finale, SCORE) Logical data (kern) Musical data as IP Data interchange Sound (MIDI) CS 275A: Symbolic Musical Information
8 Data analysis Query/ retrieval Procedural analysis Musical data as IP Data interchange Musical style CS 275B: Symbolic Musical Analysis CS 275B 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field
Data resources Monophonic only Essen database (folk music) Themefinder repertories Polyphonic KernScores MuseData CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field9
Query (Retrieval) CS 275B 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field 10
11 Music search Meta-data vs Semantic searching fruit jars cloths peaches vase apricot blue green white teal (blue) forest (green) off-white CategoriesGradations Generic objects Specific objects Basic colorsSpecific colors Ambiguities CS 275B 2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field Intermediation
Major areas of music analysis CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field12
Feature extraction and analysis CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field13 Voices, textures Articulation, dynamics Tonal relations Off the grid From the work of Steven Malinowski
Musical style (analysis) CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field14 Score-based: conventional Score-based: Schenkerian (graphical) Performance-based: event-based, comparative analyses
Musical style (simulation) CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field15 Work of David Cope (UCSC)
Data interchange CS 275A MusicXML MEI (in progress) MIDI (common default) CS 275B (if relevant) CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field16 (Data supply)
Other possible areas of study Procedural analysis Structural analysis Style/feature clusters Methods from other disciplines Linguistics Mathematics Psychology/cognition Information theory New representations Non-Western music Pre-tonal music Post-tonal music Audio/symbolic linking CS 275B2013 Eleanor Selfridge-Field17