OCLC-MARC Format Update 2014 Based on Adam Schiff’s PowerPoint presentation TJ Kao, Yale University Library CEAL CTP RDA Workshop March 23, 2015
Implementation of two separate phrases MARC updates by OCLC in 2014 Technical Bulletins 263 and ns.en.html ns.en.html Reflect changes to MARC formats in (MARC Updates 16-18)
FMus Format of Music (SCO 008/20; SCO 006/03) aFull score [changed definition] Staff notation representing the sounds of all the parts of an ensemble (instrumental and/or vocal), arranged so that they can be read simultaneously. lScore (code is the letter "el") [new code] Graphical, symbolic (e.g., staff), or word-based musical notation representing the sounds of all the parts of an ensemble, arranged so that they can be read simultaneously, or a work for solo performer or electronic media. Do not confuse with Part. zOther [changed definition] None of the other defined codes are appropriate. Usually it signifies that the item is not a score. Choir books, table books, and sets of parts are examples in which code z is appropriate.
007 Physical Description Fixed Field (Sound recording) Subfield $e, code q renamed/redefined: CodeNew Old qQuadraphonic, multichannel, or surround The sound recording is configured to be played back on more than two channels. Use this code for Dolby surround sound tracks and other multichannel techniques. Quadraphonic. The sound recording is configured to be played back on four separate channels.
New subfield q for qualifying information Definition: A brief statement of qualifying information concerning the item associated with a number being recorded in subfield $a or subfield $z. Applicable to: 020 International Standard Book Number 024 Other Standard Identifier 027 Standard Technical Report Number Examples: 020__$a $q (soft cover) 020__$a $q (set) 020__$z $q (ebook : $q PDF)
046 Special Coded Dates (R) New subfields $o and $p $oSingle or starting date for aggregated content (NR) Single or starting date of original release of the contents of a collection/aggregation. $pEnding date for aggregated content (NR) Ending date of original release of the contents of a collection/aggregation.
Repeatable $c for 11x/61x/71x/81x Definition: Place name or a name of an institution where a meeting was held. Multiple adjacent locations are contained in a repeatable subfield $c. Place name added parenthetically to a corporate name as a qualifier is not separately subfield coded. Applicable to bibliographic records only at this moment. For NAR, use a single $c for now. NAR: Nitchū Kokkō Seijōka Shijisshūnen Shinpojūmu, Nitchū "Rekishi no Kawarime" o Dō Kangaeru Ka, Mirai o Dō Kirihiraku Ka ǂ d (2012 : ǂ c Kyoto, Japan; Tokyo, Japan; Nagoya- shi, Japan; Fukuoka-shi, Japan) Bib record: Nitchū Kokkō Seijōka Shijisshūnen Shinpojūmu, Nitchū "Rekishi no Kawarime" o Dō Kangaeru Ka, Mirai o Dō Kirihiraku Ka ǂ d (2012 : ǂ c Kyoto, Japan; ǂ c Tokyo, Japan; ǂ c Nagoya-shi, Japan; ǂ c Fukuoka-shi, Japan) If the access point is controlled to an authority record that currently lacks a repeated $c, the access point in the bibliographic record will be updated in the future when the authority record is adjusted to including the repeated $c.
No change in 100/600/700 $c $c is repeatable in personal name access points If two or more elements that go in $c are adjacent, use a single $c Huangdi, ǂ c Emperor of China (Legendary character), ǂ d approximately 2704 B.C.- Joshua ǂ c (Biblical figure) (Spirit) Kiritsubo, ǂ c Emperor of Japan (Fictitious character) Morse, ǂ c Inspector (Fictitious character) If qualifiers that are put in $c are not adjacent, use multiple $c Grant, Ulysses S. ǂ q (Ulysses Simpson), ǂ d ǂ c (Spirit)
250 Edition Statement (R) Field now repeatable Before: 250 ## ǂ a 第 1 版, 修訂版, 彩色版. Now: 250 ## ǂ a 第 1 版. 250 ## ǂ a 修訂版. 250 ## ǂ a 彩色版. New subfield $3 for materials specified
385 Audience Characteristics (R) A category of persons for which a resource is intended or a category of persons representing the intellectual level for which the content of a resource is considered appropriate. Indicators are undefined Subfields: $a – Audience terms (R) $b – Audience code (R) $m – Demographic group term (NR) – from LCDGT term listLCDGT term list $n – Demographic group code (NR) – from LCDGT code listLCDGT code list $2 - Source (NR) – from Subject Heading and Term Source Codes or Target Audience Code and Term Source CodesSubject Heading and Term Source Codes Target Audience Code and Term Source Codes $3 – Materials specified (NR)
386 Creator/Contributor Characteristics (R) A group category to which the creator(s) of a work or compilation of works, or the contributor(s) to an expression or compilation of expressions, belongs. Indicators are undefined: Subfields: $a - Creator/contributor term (R) $b - Creator/contributor code (R) $m – Demographic group term (NR) – from LCDGT term listLCDGT term list $n – Demographic group code (NR) – from LCDGT code listLCDGT code list $2 – Source (NR) - from Subject Heading and Term Source CodesSubject Heading and Term Source Codes $3 – Materials specified (NR)
588 Source of Description(R) First indicator values defined as: # - No information provided 0 – Source of description 1 – Latest issue consulted Examples: 588 0# $a Dai 1-go ̄ (Heisei 24-nen 12-gatsu [December 2012]); title from title page. 588 0# $a 2012-yo ̆ ndo; title from title page. 588 0# $a Contents viewed July 26, 2014; title from database homepage. 588 1# $a Di 5 qi (Minguo 21 nian 3 yue [March 1932]). 588 1# $a 03 (2013 Autumn).
Questions and discussion