By: Alee Mattive
Its capital is Concord Another major city is Manchester The reason why people live in New Hampshire is because over 125,000 people go to Mount Monadnock to hike. Concord Manchester
Concord, NH had over 42,733 in July of Concord also had a really bad blizzard on Feb.8, 2013 The area of the state covers over 9351 square miles
The general that ruled the army was named General S. G. Griffin The states nick name is the Granite state More than 80 percent of the landscape is trees
Became the 9 th state The 14 th president born 1919 The purple Lilac became the states flower
The book of New Hampshire by Allen Carpenter, page NewHampshire.html#Stadt_alpha e=hp&biw=1024&bih=629&q=the+state+of+new+hampshire&oq=th ml Dk
My name is Alee Mattive and my favorite color is blue. I live on a farm in Avondale with a horse, and have three dogs. I also have a brother and three sisters, and have 4 cousins.