Open Data in Taiwan: Practices and Challenges Jing SHIANG (Tunghai University; Taiwan E-Government Research Center)
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3 Open Data in Taiwan Started in 2011 First Priority: everyday-life related data, free, law-conforming, open format (easy to read). Meaning of open data: reinventing government, value-adding for industries
4 2 Phase Implementation 1st Phase -- Compulsory open By the end of 2013, each Department released at least 50 data sets; more than 2700 data sets can be downloaded from the platform (
5 2 Phase Implementation 2nd Phase -- Applications transportation, tourism, economics, finance, public service, food safety, health care, enterprising, etc. Through contest and guidance, make people and industries aware of data opening and applications. Inquiring needs of the society. Establish benchmarking applications. Inventory inter-agency data needs.
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8 Issues in Open Data What to open? Authorization Responsibility Fees Privacy protection
9 How Public Officials Perceive OD? A survey conducted in October responses from central government agencies (35%) and local governments (65%)
What does your agency open data for?
Issues prioritized in the process of opening data
Priority in managing open data
Challenges in opening data
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