Welcome to MMS Open House Mrs. Walker’s Room
About Me…
Communication Planner School Phone: Teacher Website Remind101 Global Contact Phone System
Classroom Expectations S: Stay on task T: Talk politely and quietly A: Always follow directions R: Respect everyone and everything Behavior Management & Discipline Policy
Snack Policy Morning: Students will be allowed to bring a small, healthy snack (state regulations). Snack will be eaten as students continue work so they should be easily managed and able to be consumed in 5 minutes or less. 1.Healthy snacks: fruit, veggie sticks, crackers, dry cereal, breakfast bars, etc. 2.Clear water only. Lunch: Students can purchase ice cream.
Arrival / Dismissal Two drop off designations exist – front door & gym door. Students arriving before 7:35 a.m. will go to the gym and wait for dismissal to classroom. Students are considered tardy at 7:45 a.m. ALL car riders MUST be picked up at the front door. Car tags will be issued. Students not picked up by 3:10 will be asked to contact parent and wait in late bus for them to arrive. ALL changes to your child’s dismissal routine will require written permission from you. Bus routes and schedules are available in the MMS office.
Parent Portal A confidential online grade book / student data program that allows you to access your students grades and attendance history. A username and password are required to access this information. Links to Parent Portal can be found on my teacher website as well as on the MMS school website. Further information can be obtained from the office. Grading Scale A B C D F - Below 70 Mid 6 week progress reports and report cards will be sent home on specified dates.
Proof of Residency ALL students will be required to complete the Proof of Residency Application AND provide 2 forms of proof for the school year. No PO Boxes – Physical Addresses ONLY Current – Last 60 days Regulated - Utility Bill, etc.
Money & Fees Fees for this year are: –$10.00 Science –&10.00 Social Studies –$ 6.00 Agenda –$ 6.00 Music Recorder (separate) ALL money being sent to the school should be placed in a sealed envelope and labeled as follows: Student Name Teacher Name & Grade Amount enclosed What the money is for
Fundraisers Box Tops for Education Candy Bars* Cookie Dough* Digital Wish *Fundraising profits are allocated directly to our individual classroom fund and will be used specifically for educational activities for our classroom only.
Visitors & Volunteers: Parents are invited to visit MMS and should sign in at the front office. Guest badges will be issued and should be worn the duration of your visit. Parent volunteers are ALWAYS welcomed and needed. This is expecially true durning TCAP time – Proctors. If interested contact me for further information.
Wish List Outside Recess Items: balls, jump ropes, etc. Tissues Anti-bacterial Wipes Hand Sanitizer Zip Top Bags Card Stock – White & Colored