The Effectiveness of E- Portfolios with Ninth Grade Language Arts students By: LaRhonda Ware EDIT 6900 Spring 2011
Research done on this topic Papert Students are more engaged when producing products for an authentic audience.Barrett There is a need to a need to focus on the K-12 student. Hsin Kai Wu and Ya-Ling Huang E-portfolios promote self-assessment and student reflection.
Statement of need? Technology does not always lead to successful learning environments for all students. Among the research there is no strong correlation between motivation and learning.
How does creating and publishing web- based portfolios impact learning for urban high school freshman? Research Question
Purpose of this study The purpose of the study is to determine the attributes related to creating and publishing web-portfolios that increase the motivation and academic success of urban ninth grade students.
Research Methods Teacher Volunteers- Participant Observers Materials for Instructional Units Questionnaires for Teachers Questionnaires for Students MC. assessment
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