facebook Alexander the Great: Invade Persian rule and Asia Minor, began a series of campaigns. WallPhotosFlairBoxesAlexander the GreatLogout View photos of (Alexander) (4) Send Alexander a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: Persia, Macedonia Birthday: July 21, 356 B.C Civilization: Greek Religion: Hellenistic Hometown: Pella Friends Philip ll of Macedon: Alexander the Great is succeeding Philip to the throne. Date 336 B.C Alexander the Great: My father Philip was assassinated. I am preparing an experienced army and a powerful empire. Date 336 B.C Alexander the Great: I have plans to Invade Persia and Asia Minor, Syria Egypt and Mesopotamia and break the power of Persia. Date 334 B.C King Darius lll: I have now destroyed your empire and have overthrown your empire. Date 334 B.C Alexander the Great: I conquered and destroyed Persia. My empire stretches from Adriatic Sea and the Indus River; a major accomplishment. Date 326 B.C Alexander the Great: Force to return to Persia, Divides his troops, Led a group of Army at the desert, reachs the Persian Gulf. date Insert Picture Here PhilipAristotle Olympias NeoptolemusParmenion Artemis Insert Picture Here
Personal Information facebook Alexander the Great: Invade Persian rule and Asia Minor, began a series of campaigns WallPhotosFlairBoxesAlexander the GreatLogout View photos of (Alexander) (4) Send Alexander a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: Persia, Macedon Birthday: July 21, 356 B.C Civilization: Greek Religion: Hellenistic Hometown: Pella Photos Networks: Persia, Macedonia Sex: Male Birthday: July 21, 356 B.C Hometown: Pella, Relationship Status: When Philip return to Pella he get in love with Cleopatra Eurydice Civilization: Greek Religious Views: Hellenistic Activities: Fights battles with important persons Interests: Wins power of the battles Favorite Music: He listens to Anaxarchus Music Favorite Movies: I don’t have any preference Favorite TV Shows: I don´t have any preference Favorite Books: Books written by Aristotle Battles Updated last weekend 2 Albums Alexander Updated last Friday Contact Information Address: North Persia, Palace Phone number: (345) Insert Picture Here
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesAlexander the GreatLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Alexander 4 photos Alexander Albums 2 Photo Alums Battles 16 photos Family 97 photos Profile Pictures 6 photos Alexander the Great: Invade Persian rule and Asia Minor, began a series of campaigns. Insert Picture Here
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