Football – Preparation of the Body Aspects of Fitness HIGHER/INT 2 PHYSICAL EDUCATION
TODAY’S LESSON By the end of today you must be able to give examples of: Aspects of fitness (skill related, mental and physical Today’s lesson is about the various types and aspect of fitness needed to take part effectively in sport. You will need to know these aspects and their definitions.
TYPES OF FITNESS MentalSkill Related Fitness FITNESS Physical
FITNESS PHYSICALMENTALSKILL RELATED Speed Strength Muscular Endurance Cardio Respiratory - Endurance (CRE) Power Flexibility Determination Motivation Level of Arousal Concentration Managing Emotions Agility Balance Co-ordination Reaction Time Movement Anticipation Timing
Aspect of Physical Fitness DefinitionFitness Test SpeedThe Ability of the whole body or part of the body to move fast 50m Sprint StrengthThis is the maximal force that a muscle can exert as it contracts Grip Strength Muscular EnduranceThis is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to maintain repeated contractions over long periods of exercise 30 second sit up test Harvard step test Cardio Respiratory Endurance This is the body’s ability to keep working for long periods of time 12 minute cooper run Bleep Test PowerThis is the combination of strength and speed Standing broad jump Standing Vertical Jump FlexibilityFlexibility is the range of movement at a joint Sit and Reach Test Trunk extension
Aspect of Skill Related Fitness DefinitionTest AgilityThe ability to move the body quickly and precisely Illinois Agility Test Co-ordinationThe ability to control movements smoothly and fluently Alternative Hand Wall Test BalanceThe ability to retain the centre of gravity over your base of support Stork Test Reaction TimeThe time taken between the recognition of a signal and the start of a movement Ruler Drop Test TimingThis is the ability to judge when to and apply an action at the right moment. Movement Anticipation This is the ability to read a situation and effectively select the correct response.
Aspect of Mental FitnessDefinition Level of ArousalThis is the level of your excitement, anticipation, stress, aggression, apprehension and nervousness. It refers to the mental state of the athlete for participation in the activity. DeterminationApplying 100% to the task at hand. Highly motivated to succeed. MotivationThis is your will, your desire and your drive to succeed and achieve your goals ConcentrationThis refers to your ability to remain fully focused on a task. Managing EmotionsThis is the ability to control our stress and lower our levels of anxiety when under pressure.
Training Programme You will all take part in a 6 week training programme. This training programme will focus on improving your Cardio Respiratory Endurance. You have already tested your fitness and you will re-test at the end of the 6 weeks to try and improve on your scores. Your weekly Routine will be as follows: Monday: Fartlek Training Tuesday: Football Circuits Wednesday: Agility Training Thursday: Day Off (classroom) Friday: Fartlek Training & Games So this means we will be training 4 days a week with 3 rest days (Thursday, Saturday and Sunday).
TASK 1 Jotters closed! On a fresh bit of paper draw the 3 headings and place the various aspect of fitness under the relevant heading PhysicalMentalSkill Related
HOMEWORK For Thursday 29/8/13 Choose one position in football: Use two aspects from each type of fitness: physical, mental and skill related and give in game examples to justify why they are necessary for the position you have selected. Write as many reasons/examples as you can. (6)
Managing Emotions Football is a hard, fast game where emotions can run high. Managing Emotions in Football is important because it allows you to keep control of your feelings in demanding situations. In Football it is important to manage your emotions during the following situations: When the game is close; When my team are behind in the game; When the opposition are putting me under pressure; When I am shooting; During free kicks/penalties; When I disagree with the referee’s decision; When I am fouled by my opponent; When the game is being played in front of an audience; Managing your emotions allows you to focus on your role within the team and work effectively with your teammates. Controlling your emotions and staying calm and focused will allow you to maintain a high level of skill and will have a positive effect on your own and your team’s performance.