Some Sats questions for you to work on whilst you are waiting…Please use your mini whiteboards. Here is a number written in Roman numerals: CXV Write the number in figures. 3016 ÷ 13 = ¼ x 1/8 = Where is the subordinate clause in this sentence? Although I like school, I don’t like doing homework.
Answers! Here is a number written in Roman numerals: CXV Write the number in figures. 115 3016 ÷ 13 = 232 ¼ x 1/8 = 1/32 or Where is the subordinate clause in this sentence? Although I like school, I don’t like doing homework.
Welcome to Year 6 Welcome and thank you End of Key Stage Two (4 years) What’s it all about?
The Team TeachersTAsPastoral Care Mrs MawerMrs Mellows (HLTA) Mrs Davies Mrs PikeMrs SmallMrs Murphy Mr Salisbury Mrs WayMrs Smart Mrs Cattani
Our journey to becoming a Rights-Respecting school By becoming a Rights-Respecting school, we will adopt a coherent values framework which shapes the ethos, language and curriculum of the school. In our learning, teaching, action and word, we recognise and support the rights of all children, irrespective of race, religion, ability or gender. This, and our core values of life-long learning, creativity and respect support us in our aim to improve self-esteem, enhance moral and academic development, improve relationships and behaviour, reduce prejudice, develop global citizenship and aid school development.
What are we offering? Commitment and respect for your children as individuals Building on previous years’ progress A secure environment where your children are free to ask the questions they want answered Flexible groupings with 4 teachers teaching English, Maths, Reading and Spelling.
What do we expect? Good routines to maximise learning time Homework done on time and to the best of their best ability A commitment to doing their best and achieving their potential in all work A reflective approach to their learning – become life long learners Increased independence in their learning in preparation for KS3
Homework Literacy – set on Thursdays to be returned following Wednesday (important for developing self assessment) Maths – set on Thursdays to be returned following Wednesday Spellings and sentences – set on Monday due in the following Monday and tested that Monday Science – set on different days according to day taught – one whole week to complete Reading – daily, but at least three times per week, signed Home Learning Task – Related to topics Homework diary – signed by teacher on Fridays Homework club – Form from the office or download from the website
Making a success of Year 6 Getting organised and effectively managing routines Equipment – all provided by the school Diary completed in detail and signed weekly (Fridays to class teacher) Read daily and keep record up-to-date - inside the diary - (signed minimum 3 times per week)
House Captains! New reward system in place Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to represent their house Voting day – a democracy – every child uses their vote Celebration assembly
The Curriculum Autumn Term – Amazing Amazon and WWII Spring Term – Wonderful Me and Animal Magic Summer Term – SATs, The Earth from the Air, Year 6 performance, Rugby Rules tournament. Year 6 residential, Leavers assembly Following the new curriculum for all subjects, including Maths. Helping develop your child’s problem solving and reasoning skills, with a particular focus on applying these to life skills
The SATS - 9 th – 12 th May 16 Compulsory tests for end of Key Stage 2 – all year 6 children nationally Reading comprehension test, (one hour) Maths tests – three written papers without calculators, which includes an arithmetic test and two reasoning tests. Writing - No written test. Writing grade based on TA which is externally moderated SPAG test No Science sampling test. We carry out a test the week before the SATs Reading, Maths and SPAG test marked by external markers and returned at end of June/beginning of July – results in reports or just after Teacher assessment with equal weighting also reported
It’s all very new this year! There are no levels for the first time Scores will be standardised Your children have been volunteered as ‘guinea pigs’ We want your children to be as prepared as possible There are the new style sample papers for viewing.
Dates to remember… October - Possible trip to Monkey World TBA October residential information evening – 6pm Tuesday 20 th and Wednesday 21 st October – Parents evening Thursday 17 th Sept– Class photos (jumpers needed) Monday 9th May to Thursday 12 th May – SATs Tests March – Possible Science museum trip to London Wednesday 22 nd June to Friday 24 th June - Residential trip to Mill Rythe
Secondary Open Evenings 2015/16 Carter Community – Awaiting confirmation of the dates. A letter will follow shortly. Corfe Hills School – Magna Academy Poole – Parkstone Grammar School – Poole Grammar School – Poole High School – St Edward’s RC/CE VA School – St Aldhelm’s Academy –
What we wish for you! A new start every day! An environment of shared respect A desire to achieve and do their best – encouraged by high expectations and challenge A love of learning fostered by knowing that their best is all that matters! A happy year which leaves fond memories.
School Website – Keep up to date! We will soon be on Twitter too!
Thank you for coming! Any further questions about Year 6 Queries about Secondary transfer Browse through revision guides Browse through SATs papers