When cooking chicken, what are some rules or guidelines to keep in mind during the preparation process? What procedures should you follow when working with raw meat? How this could relate to lab safety?
You will be able to distinguish between the four biosafety levels.
Many of the organisms we will be working with in the lab can cause infections or illness. In order to stay safe and healthy, it is important to understand how we determine the level of danger associated with various biological organisms and products.
Safety procedures associated with research and production of biological products.
Thumbs up / Thumbs down: Which of these might fit the definition of Biosafety procedure? ? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED,
1. Agents that are not associated with disease in healthy human adults (many high school classrooms) 2. Associated with human disease which is rarely serious. 3. Agents associated with serious or lethal human disease for which preventive or therapeutic interventions may be available 4. Agents that are likely to cause serious or lethal human disease for which preventive or therapeutic interventions are not usually available (CDC)
Lab that researches Ebola High School lab that is working with GFP Medical research facility that is doing tests on West Nile Virus A lab that is working with transformed E.coli
Why are biological agents ranked? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED,
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