External communications Anne Asserson Research Administration Department, UiB Tartu, May 2005
Strategic seminar Web pages Contacts
Partners ESF European Science Foundation EARMA European Association of research Managers and Administrators ALLEA All European Academies Codata Committe for data for science and Technology ERCIM European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics euroCRIS european Current research information systems
Partners interest in the seminar (1) ESF: publication quality of scholarly work in Europe; (2) EARMA: evaluation of research, league tables, bibliometrics and scientometrics; (3) ICSU/CODATA: publishing metadata standards and the interfacing to original scientific datasets; (4) ALLEA: publishing through and for learned societies; (5) ERCIM: IT to support the process, intersection with the DELOS network and associated projects
euroCRIS September Seminar Palace of the Academies, Brussels, CRIS + Open Access = The Route to Research Knowledge (2004) - 32 participants - Report printed by CCCLC
Driving the ERA Forward by Meeting Tomorrow's Challenges. The Need for Intergration over European Current Research Information Systems (2003) - 27 participants - Report printed at CCCLC
‘TheResearch Information System and the Research Process in a GRIDs Environment’ , Palace of the Academies, Brussels The proposition: Research Process Improvement using GRIDs Welcome and Introduction Why EuroCRIS, why this group of partners, why this seminar The Research Process : From application to publication e-Research: a GRIDs environment break THE RESEARCH PROCESS ON THE GRIDS SURFACE e-support for the process stages e-workprogramme: Formation of the workprogramme; consultation and convergence (e-communications, repositories, CRISs of past programmes and results, access GRID and videoconferencing) e-proposal: Generating the proposal and submitting it; proposal evaluation and contract negotiation (CRISs to store re-usable information (CVs, publications, past projects…), ensure novelty, e-forms with inbuilt constraints / rules, CRISs to judge quality of proposal, e-refereeing)
e-Project: project set-up and management: milestones, deliverables, resources, risks (CRIS, project management system, integration of finance system, HR system) use of GRIDs environment for project execution LUNCH RESULTS ON THE GRIDS SURFACEe-support for managing results information Products & Patents: results for wealth-creationProducts: the process for production, where in the process is the information collected Patents: the process for production, where in the process is the information collected Publications: results for assessmentPublications: the process for production, where in the process is the information collected Grey Literature: the process for production, where in the process is the information collected Human Resources: the hidden treasureKnow-How: the process for production, where in the process is the information collected Trained Staff: the process for production, where in the process is the information collected BREAK QUALITY, METRICS & EXPLOITATION: Measurements for Management Assurance Publications Quality: the myth and the reality how to achieve by the process (peer reviewing, reviewer databases and choosing the right ones, editing to improve readability)Measuring Output; volume and quality (ISI citations, a true measure?)Grey Literature Quality; how to achieve by the process Measuring Output; volume and quality How good are your staff?Know-How and staff Quality: how to achieve by the processMeasuring Output; volume and quality The elusive desideratumExploitation: From Research prototype to successful product
THE NEW IT ENVIRONMENTWill it help the research process? Cheaper to store than to collectThe new cost equation; limitless storage and compute powerERCIM Managing the information or managing the real world that the information represents?CRISs and Electronic Libraries on the GRIDs surface: a system for managing research information Workflow: can e-process improve the research process?Need for Workflow to support the research process; collect relevant information at the right place at the right time BREAK IT SOLUTIONS: NEXT GENERATION 3 Steps to Nirvana? Catalogue it!Metadata (DC, OAI-PMH, research data exchange & standards, syntax & semantics) Autonomics: self-adjusting SystemsSecurity, Privacy, Scaling, Self*EC-GRIDS Research process of the future?Workflow on the GRIDs surface LUNCH Discussion Next Steps