Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percentages ORDERING
I can convert a rational number between its fraction, decimal and percentage forms. I can order rational numbers in their decimal form.
What is a Rational Number? Any number that can be written as a fraction. Examples: -2, 0, 48,.25, 1/3, Non- Examples: π
And Simplify!
Converting our fractions and percentages to their decimal form makes it easier to order rational numbers. Lets convert these percentages to their decimal and fraction forms: 25% 70%
Convert these fractions to their decimal and percentage forms 14/25 8/5
Convert these decimals to their fraction and percentage forms
How do we know which number is greater? Think about MONEY!!!! 25% =.25 7/20 =
Which number is greater?.19 or 18%?
Which number is greater? 3/8 or 45%
Which number is greater? 38% or 20/50?
Now we can put multiple numbers in order from least to greatest. (hint: Just convert to decimals and line them up) 25%,.17, 1, 4/8,
Lets try another… Put the numbers in order from least to greatest. 2, 0, 5/8, -4, 75%
Now you try… Put the numbers in order from least to greatest. 50%, 1/9, 0, -2, 5/2
Put the numbers in order from least to greatest. 11/2,.73,.4, 4, 52%
A man decides to write his will. He know he has $37,450 to leave to his three daughters. He is going to leave 30% of the money to his daughter Cathy, 72/200 of the money to his daughter Connie and.34 of the money to his daughter Lucy. Who is getting the biggest share of the inheritance?
Ticket Out Which set of numbers is in order from least to greatest? A. 0,.75,.7,.23, 2.3 B. 0,.7,.75,.23, 2.3 C. 0, 2.3,.23,.7,.75 D. 0,.23,.7,.75, 2.3