Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) Monthly Information Session February 7, 2014
Agenda Housekeeping Submitting forms Faculty leave process FAS faculty activity reporting Open discussion 2
Housekeeping During the meeting: Please be courteous to your colleagues. Refrain from discussions during the session, or please share your thoughts with the group. Others may benefit from your comments. Deadline to submit all paperwork for the next payroll: Tuesday, February 11 –Quickpays are reserved for hardship cases. Requests must go to Diane Rodrigues with a justification –Suggestion: Send bi-annual communications to hiring faculty reminding them of the real deadlines for payroll. These presentations are posted on ClassesV2 for future reference:
Submitting forms Forms change. ALWAYS use a new form from the website. Consult their-uses to determine which form to use their-uses All forms for all schools and departments should be sent as to EXCEPTIONS: Any form with a social security number, i.e. Faculty Data Collection Form and Non- Employee Form Problem with forms launching
Faculty leave process Law, SOM, Nursing, and FES manage leaves locally Arts Schools, Divinity, and ISM submit to school dean who then submits to cognizant provost for review FAS departments collect leave requests from faculty and submit to OFAS –OFAS reviews requests, verifies eligibility, and runs leave letters –Leave letters and supporting documentation go to cognizant provosts for review –Cognizant provosts review and send leave approval letters in late February/early March
FAS faculty activity reporting January 13: Memo from provost to FAS ladder faculty with link to webform ( ) FIS individual summary reports have been uploaded to the FAR folder on SharePointSharePoint Sponsored research reports will be uploaded to the FAR folder where relevant February 16: Deadline for faculty to submit forms Reports will be uploaded to FAR department folder Late-February/Early-March – Memo from Provost’s Office to chairs with instructions for the faculty raise process and reviewing FARs
Open discussion Questions? Topics for future sessions Questions, feedback, or suggestions for future meeting topics are always welcome –x