University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2015 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 1: Course Introduction
University of Colorado Boulder Full syllabus available online via D2L ◦ There will be time available in lecture on Wed. for syllabus questions The following slides summarize the contents of the syllabus 2
University of Colorado Boulder Instructors ◦ Prof. Brandon A. Jones Office: ECNT 420 Office Hours: Wed. 3-4pm, Thurs 11-12noon Teaching/Course Assistants ◦ TA: Eduardo Villalba Office: ECAE 135 Office Hours: Wed. 2-3pm, Thurs 2:30-4:30pm Office Hour Location: CCAR Meeting Room (3 rd Floor, ECNT) ◦ CA: Mihir Patel Office Hours: By appointment for grading issues ◦ Guest Lecturer: Daniel Bryant Office: ECAE 143 Office Hours: By appointment for lecture questions 3
University of Colorado Boulder Brandon A. Jones ◦ Undergraduate: UT-Austin Mathematics and Physics ◦ Contractor at NASA/JSC Titan Corporation (now L-3) Odyssey Space Research ◦ Graduate: CU-Boulder M.S. and Ph.D. Postdoc ( ) Assistant Research Professor (2013- present) Orbit state and uncertainty prop. Orbit determination and navigation Multi-target, multi-sensor tracking 4
University of Colorado Boulder Course Textbook Tapley, B.D., B.E. Schutz, and G.H. Born, Statistical Orbit Determination, Elsevier Academic Press, New York, 2004.
University of Colorado Boulder Vallado and McClain, Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, Microcosm Press, Montenbruck and Gill, Satellite Orbits: Models, Methods, Applications, Springer, Ristic, et al., Beyond the Kalman Filter: Particle Filters for Tracking Applications, Artech House,
University of Colorado Boulder Course website: ◦ Homework, project, and reference materials Desire2Learn: ◦ Dropbox, Lecture Quizzes, etc. ◦ Short quizzes summarizing material from previous week’s lectures Details to come Provides feedback on what you are (or aren’t) getting out of lecture Helps to illustrate key elements from the lectures 7
University of Colorado Boulder Homework = 25% ◦ 11 assignments + Concept Quizzes ◦ Concept quizzes averaged to form a single homework Possible Scores: 5 (over 60% correct), 3 (less than 60% correct), 0 (not done or 0% correct) Exams = 45% ◦ 2 in-class mid-terms ◦ 1 take-home final ◦ Highest exam grade has a weight of 2 Course Project = 30 % ◦ Due during finals week ◦ Details provided in October 8
University of Colorado Boulder Total of 11 assignments They are a combination of coding, derivations, and proofs Draft of assignments are already posted to website and D2L, but we reserve the right to change them before the official date assigned! ◦ This date, along with the due date/time, is provided on the assignment 9
University of Colorado Boulder Uploaded to D2L as a searchable PDF ◦ Each homework has a folder on D2L with at least: PDF copy of the assignment Dropbox for uploading your manuscript ◦ Good opportunity to learn LaTeX (not required) ◦ Derivations may be scanned/photographed, but must be legible to receive credit Physical copies will not be accepted Software must be uploaded to D2L as appendix in assignment write-up ◦ Only.pdf files accepted ◦,.docx,.m, etc. Plagiarism detection will be enabled! 10
University of Colorado Boulder Each student is given one “freebie” ◦ First late assignment may be turned in up to one week late without penalty ◦ Intended to account for conferences, work requirements, etc. Any late assignments after the freebie will be penalized 10% off maximum score per school day ◦ Late is defined by the time indicated on the assignment ◦ Usually the start of lecture on a given day Only exception: documented approval from instructor ◦ Documented approval defined as written extension ( or typed) not verbal ◦ Meant to allow for concessions for religious holidays, medical emergencies, etc. 11
University of Colorado Boulder Several homework assignments establish tools for final project: ◦ HW 1: Two-Body Orbit Propagation ◦ HW 2: Propagation with Special Perturbations ◦ HW 6: Propagating the STM and Measurement Modeling ◦ HW 9: Batch Filter for the Project ◦ HW 10: Conventional Kalman Filter for the Project Make sure you get these right! ◦ Final answers, but not full solutions (code, etc.), will be provided online ◦ A delay in completing these assignments hinders your ability to complete the next on the list 12
University of Colorado Boulder You are expected to follow the Honor Code (details at This course teaches you to navigate spacecraft. Spacecraft are worth many $Millions. Don’t crash them. It is not a good way to make the national news. You can work together, but you are responsible for your own write-up and software. D2L uses software to detect plagiarism. The Honor Code will be enforced. This software is surprisingly thorough! If you’re concerned about your grade, please come talk to us rather than cheating. 13
University of Colorado Boulder Draft of lecture slides will be posted to the website in advance for you to print and take notes on ◦ There may be some changes to the slides between being posted and the lecture The final version (with annotations) will be included on D2L for your reference 14
University of Colorado Boulder This class is being recorded via Be Boulder Anywhere ◦ Some students are taking the class as distance students ◦ You will also have access to recordings through D2L ◦ If you miss class, use the recording as an opportunity to catch up! ◦ There is a positive correlation between attendance and course performance Audio is recorded throughout the room ◦ Please be careful not to cover (or tap) microphones on the tables 15
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University of Colorado Boulder 18 Exam Three – Take Home, Due: TBD Project, Due : TBD (details in early-Oct.)
University of Colorado Boulder The university sets certain policies in regards to: ◦ Accommodations due to disability ◦ Medical conditions/injuries ◦ Religious observances ◦ Discrimination ◦ etc. See syllabus (D2L and website) and university guidelines for more information 19
University of Colorado Boulder Text in blue is a question posed to you A “cold call” is not beneficial to you or your fellow students I will pause (a couple of seconds), let you think, and then call on a student ◦ What is orbit determination? 20
University of Colorado Boulder I am away for a conference ◦ Lectures will be pre- or post-recorded and available online through D2L ◦ I will day/time of recording session for those that would like to attend ◦ Lectures available through D2L ◦ My office hours are cancelled for that week I will work with the TA for him to offer extra help that week 21
University of Colorado Boulder What programming experience do you have? ◦ MATLAB? ◦ Python? ◦ C/C++/Fortran/Ada/… ◦ None? Most students use MATLAB in this class, but you are free to choose! ◦ Would a MATLAB overview be useful on Wednesday? 22
University of Colorado Boulder Any Questions? 23
University of Colorado Boulder 24 Introduction to Statistical Orbit Determination
University of Colorado Boulder It is the process of estimating the state/orbit of a satellite using a collection of observations. We never know where a satellite is. ◦ Launch errors ◦ Modeling errors ◦ Spacecraft performance errors maneuvers, electromagnetic interactions with the environment, etc Track a satellite ◦ Observation errors Locations of tracking stations Atmosphere Hardware modeling ◦ Geometry issues 25
University of Colorado Boulder 26 These dots represent many measurements (with some error) of a single point. ◦ How would you estimate the true point? (Remember, blue font is a question to think about!) X Y
University of Colorado Boulder 27 These dots represent many measurements (with some error) of a single point. ◦ What about for this case? X Y
University of Colorado Boulder How would you alter the method for a moving object? Combining our knowledge of dynamics and noisy observations allows for estimation and prediction 28 Required skills: Astrodynamics, Linear Algebra, Probability/Statistics Data Analysis, Creativity Time
University of Colorado Boulder Navigate satellites and spacecraft! ◦ A huge portion of the population of people in the world who navigate satellites learned their skills from Born, Tapley and Schutz. ◦ Commercial: GEO communication sats Human spaceflight ◦ Defense: Spy satellites Orbital debris ◦ Interplanetary: JPL, Goddard, APL ◦ Human Exploration: ISS, Orion Missions to LEO, Moon, NEOs, Mars 29
University of Colorado Boulder Low accuracy (~1 km) ◦ Low resolution imaging, space surveillance Medium accuracy (~100 m) ◦ Medium resolution imaging, orbit prediction, laser tracking High accuracy (<10 cm) ◦ Relative motion/formation flying ◦ Scientific studies of the Earth 30
University of Colorado Boulder You do not have to turn it in, but we recommend you complete it if you have never used a numeric integrator Introduction to numeric integ. 31 ◦ Use favorite integrator to model the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator ◦ Compare solution to analytic solution
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 1: Problem 2:
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 3: Problem 4:
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 5: Problem 6:
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 7: Solution method discussed next week!