HELLO EVERYONE !!... And how are you doing ? And by the way... How do you like the class so far ?


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Presentation transcript:


And how are you doing ?

And by the way... How do you like the class so far ?

Well, if you all seem to like it...

Let's just go on, then !...

But, now that we think of it....

What exactly should we do !?!...

And more precisely...

What do you think is the most basic thing to learn, when acquiring a new language ?

Well, to be sure... It sounds like your answers are all PERFECT !...

But, since we naturally have to start somewhere...

Why not to just learn the alphabet !?!...

And of course, by that, we mean... The ENGLISH alphabet !...

And by the way... Do you know the alphabet song ?

Anyway... Let's just give it a try !...

So... Let's just sing along !...

WONDERFUL !... But now...

What about learning the actual English sounds ?

Because after all... Isn't it rather useful to learn something about pronunciation ?

And just in case you're not totally convinced...

Let's just see a short example about why that would be !

So let's just watch the video available at this adress :

So now that we all agree on this... All right !

Let's just take a look to these English sounds !

… and more precisely to this adress !.. w/pronunc-soundsipa.htm … or to the document called « Pronunciation » !...

… So let's just get over there !.. /readingliteracy/a/44Sounds. htm … or get back to the document called « Pronunciation » !...


And now that you know just how to speak English... LIKE A PRO !!...

What about doing some conversation ?

So last class, you guys did an amazing job at interviewing each other...

But there is at least one very basic question we did not ask each other...

And this question is..

What do you do for a living ?

Or in other words... What do you do, in life ?

What about asking your partner about it ? So now...

So let's just get back to that document titled « Let's meet each other », and go to the end of it !...


And now, speaking about what you do...

What do you do in a day ?

And just in case it might help you... Here are some basic things you might do in a day...

And by the way... Let's see if you know how to say these things in English !

So if you do... Just say « I », and then add the verbal expression for each action !...

For example, here you could say... « I brush my teeth » !...

Now, your turn !...

« I... »

Well, I hope you wake up !...

«And then, I... »

YES !... «You get up ! »

« Then, I... »

Indeed !... « You dress up ! »

« Then, I... »

So you eat breakfast ? Good idea !

And can you guess the meaning of these additional verbal expressions ?

I make my bed I wash the dishes I do the laundry I clean the house I tidy up the room

So what else do we usually do in a day ?

Any ideas ?

And more interestingly, is there anything else that YOU do in a day ?

What about making a little list ?

AND IT'S EASY !... All you could do is to start your list by writing : « Every day, I... »

Or in other words, you could do just like this !...

(And for the last slide to make any sense...) Let's just open the document named « What to do in a day » !

What else do you do.... In a week ?... Or in other words, on an occasional basis ? And while we're at it...

(And let's just get to page 2 on the same document !...)

And now... What about asking your partner about it ?

And to do so... You might just want to follow this model !...

(So let's just get to pages 3 and 4 on the same document...)

GOOD JOB !!...

And by the way...

What verb tense have we been using so far ?

The simple present !... RIGHT !

And according to what we have seen so far... When do we actually use that tense ?

EXACTLY !... For describing HABITS !...

Is it the only reason for which this tense can be used ?... But...

And why not to take a look at some new examples, just to make sure ?...

They are very happy in their new house. Paris is the capital of France. Johnny B. Good lives in Louisiana Patricia Kaas has blond hair. Her room really is a mess. Birds have feathers.

So, apart from describing habits, what can we use the simple present for ?



And... How interesting !...

It looks like experts could not say any better !

Wanna check ? So let's just take a look at this !...


And by the way... As you can see by looking at the following examples, it looks like there could be a final reason for using the simple present tense. Can you find out what it is ?

I really like this CD ! I prefer this one. I think France is a nice country. I believe that if you work hard, you will succeed ! I agree with you ! I just love English ! Benedict XVI believes in God. I feel good !...

That's right ! For opinions, beliefs, preferences and feelings !...

Do you feel like you can recall what are the three basic reasons for using the simple present tense ? So...

THAT'S RIGHT !... Indeed...

The SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE is used for... 1) Habits 2) States (or facts) 3) Opinions, beliefs preferences and feelings

And, by the way... Do you know how to use that tense ?

And... If so, let's just prove it !...

And let's just see then if you can conjugate the three following verb in the simple present tense !...


Oh ! And by the way...

How do you think the following verbs should be conjugated ?


Do you think you know how to conjugate a verb in the NEGATIVE FORM, in the simple present tense ? And while we're at it...

And if so... Why not to try it on the two verbs we first conjugated, namely SING and DO?

GREAT !...

And in fact... Do you know how to build the abbreviated negative form of a verb conjugated in the simple present tense, in English ? And can you try it on the same verbs ?


And oh, one last thing... What about adding adverbs to a sentence with a verb in the simple present ? Where exactly should we insert it, then ?

And in fact... In order to know a bit more about it, why not to simply take a look at the next slide !

She always talks. It definitely looks like a great idea. We really like this class !

YES INDEED ! Right in between the subject and the verb !

And now that you know this great « trick »... Let's see if you can apply it to the next sentence !

Parents are never perfect... But they (to do, always) their best !


Now that we know at least one English verb tense... So...

What about learning a new one !...

So let's just take a look at the next few sentences, and see if you notice anything special...

I am teaching a class ! And you are listening so well ! What are you doing today ? Today, I am working at the library ! And what are you doing right now ? Right now, I am eating a pop sicle !

Do you know what is the name of this verb tense ? First...

Exactly ! The present progressive or present continuous !

And judging from this picture... Can you guess what this tense is basically used for ?

EXACTLY ! For actions happening RIGHT NOW !!..

But... Is it really the only reason to use that tense ?

So just to make sure... Let's look at these other examples !...

Helen is taking a class at Skyline College this year. Helen is studying Multimedia Arts this semester.

So when we see expressions such as « this semester », or « this year », are we really speaking about things happening only « right now » ?...

So what is the second situation for which the present progressive can be used ?

INDEED !.... To describe what could be called a « temporary action » !...

And last but not least, let's discover a third and rather special reason to use the present progressive tense, by looking at a third group of examples...

I am playing soccer tomorrow. We are leaving for Montreal on Friday, to watch the Canadiens game ! She is having a birthday party next week !

When we see expressions such as « tomorrow, Friday, next week », are we really speaking about the present ? Now...

So what is the other situation for which the present progressive tense can be used ?

YES ! When you describe a definite plan for the future (usually a near future…) !

And by the way... Here's a pretty good proof of this !... pinion/im-keeping-my-blackberry/article /

So now... What about a little review ?

So when do we use the present progressive tense ?

EXACTLY ! The P.P. tense is used for... 1) Things happening right now 2) For temporary actions 3) Definite plans for a near future

And what about the simple present ?

And to conclude... GREAT !

Let's see how the experts sum it up !..


All right !... And oh, one last thing about the present progressive...

Do you actually know how to use it ?

BINGO !... Indeed, you do it just like this...

Pronoun + BE (correctly conjugated) + VERB (Infinitive) + -ING How to form the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE

In other words... In order to correctly conjugate any verb in the present progressive tense, all you need to know is how to conjugate the verb TO BE !

And by the way... Do you actually know how to do it ?

Anyway... Why not to just give it a try !

PERFECT ! And what about using it in abbreviated form ?...

Or in the negative form ?...

And finally, can you even do it in the... NEGATIVE CONTRACTED FORM !?!...


Do you feel that you can conjugate any verb in the present progressive tense ? So now...

And even if you can… Why not to get some practice, anyway ?...

So... Let's try to conjugate the following verb in the present progressive tense !...


And how would you conjugate these other verbs ? PLAY MAKE

And by the way... In your opinion, what should happen if we wanted to use an adverb to modify a verb conjugated in the present progressive tense ?

Or in other words... Where exactly should we insert it ?

Anyway... Why not to find it out, by simply looking at the next examples !

He is always trying to be the best. You are currently participating to a great project. We are still working on the same thing !

Where does the adverb go ? So...

YES ! Right between the verb BE and the verb ending in ING !

How exactly would you write the next sentence ? And so...

Roger (write, currently) a book about his funny recipees.


And now, what about practicing your new skills...

So let's just get to these great sites !... By doing some more exercises !...



So, now that you know everything about the present progressive... PERFECT !..

Let's see if you can tell each other...

What is happening in YOUR life !

So first... Maybe you should take one or two minutes to think of AT LEAST 1 or 2 THINGS that you are doing these days...

And take a few more minutes to think of 1 or 2 THINGS that you are planning to do !...

(And to get a better sense of how to do it...) Let's just get to pages 1 and 2 on the document « Actions and plans » !...

Then, you can pair up with a partner and ask each other about your actions and your plans for a near future !...

In other words, your discussion might just sound a bit like this...

(So let's just go to page 1 and 4, in the same document...)


And now... We have already come to the end of this great class !..

But don't worry... Because we're seeing each other next week !...


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