By. Kailyn Wilson
Begin in 1807 Resulted from Great Britain ending slave trade White Westerns begin to settle Wanted to spread Christianity and development Wanted to improve life in the tribes
Multiple tribes were affected Most common are: Benin Yoruba Ife Nok and Igbo
The “white man” was there to take over The things spoken of were false Their religion brought false hope the tribes Only poor people in the village would listen There was no such thing as ONE God
They could convert many Nigerians to Christianity Their methods would improve living conditions By establishing schools and churches they could educate
Negative affects included: Division between religion Division over cultural rituals The goods of the tribes were being striped Regular trading item prices increased Increased violence
Positive effects included: Introduction of modern communication Formal Education and Medicine Political and Economic set up Ended Cannibalism
Changed traditions of the culture and political set up Promoted the spread of unhealthy and incurable diseases Established healthier trade between Africa and Europe Encouraged Education and Religion
Quick process with needed help Acquired through British Economic Recovery Policy -removed surpluses in spending Became an “in-direct” Government Rule - Seek help from government when necessary Alleviated some Western Approaches -Christianity - Schooling
Sadowsky, Jonathan Hal. Imperial Bedlam: Institutions of Madness in Colonial Southwest Nigeria. University of California Press, 1999 eBook collection. Web. 25 Apr. 2012