Portfolio Committee on Appropriations Quarter 1 Expenditure and Performance 24 August 2012 The Presidency Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 2 Expenditure
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 3 Overview
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 4 Q1 Overview
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 5 Compensation 195 posts (141 funded for 2011/12) with 137 filled by 31 March filled between 1 April and 30 June filled in July and August 2012 All remaining vacant funded posts have been advertised and are in the process of being filled Delays in PSC negotiations impacted on payment of salary increases Agreement signed in July Backdate payments in August Compensation spending will be closer to forecast in future quarters
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 6 Goods and Services Main areas of Q1 under-spending are Hotline and Evaluations HOTLINE Hotline transferred to DPME from Presidency on 1 October 2011 For 2012/13 budget DPME requested additional funding for Hotline for additional call centre capacity, increased services from SITA and for calls made to toll-free number Request for additional funding in 2011 was based on estimate from SITA and estimate of cost of toll-free number (at time of transfer, telecoms operators had not yet invoiced for toll-free number) Actual SITA costs for increased call centre operators and increased services, and actual toll-free number costs have turned out lower than estimated
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 7 Goods and Services (continued) EVALUATIONS Evaluation function established in DPME during 2011 National evaluation policy framework approved by Cabinet in November 2011 The national evaluation plan identifying evaluations to be carried out in 2012/13 approved by Cabinet in June 2012 Terms of reference for 2012/13 evaluations drawn up after cabinet approval of evaluation plan Expenditure on evaluation budget will therefore largely take place during last two quarters of financial year DPME current working on 3-year rolling evaluation plan for Cabinet consideration This will allow for ToRs to be developed in year before and for expenditure to be spread more evenly across financial year Over-expenditure against evaluations budget envisaged by end of financial year (will be funded from possible savings elsewhere, through AENE and / or virement within 8% rule)
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 8 Capital Assets Discussions with SITA on DPME ICT infrastructure plan started in 2011 The DPME ICT infrastructure plan agreed with SITA in July 2012 Procurement of hardware only started in August 2012 – this explains low expenditure in first two quarters Implementation of ICT plan on track for completion by March 2013 Full expenditure under capital assets envisaged by end of financial year
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 9 Performance
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 10 Programme 1: Administration Of the 6 targets partially achieved Discussion with relevant managers took place to ensure that they are fully achieved 2 targets not achieved are: 3yr rolling Internal Audit plan and annual implementation plan. Draft plan was developed but implementation delayed pending appointment of service providers. Appointment to be finalised in August Development of ICT Help Desk service application. Process of testing possible solutions took longer than anticipated Number of targets23% Targets achieved1565 Targets partially achieved626 Targets not achieved29
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 11 Programme 2: OME The one target said to be partially achieved relates to the establishment of the governance structure for the 20 Year Review. Although the structure was verbally approved by the DG in the Presidency, a decision was made to submit it to Cabinet for formal approval Number of targets10% Targets achieved990 Targets partially achieved110 Targets not achieved00
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 12 Programme 3: M&E Systems The 4 partially achieved targets relate to Consultation on the Result Bill - progress has been delayed by a lack of consensus amongst administrative centre of government departments regarding the need for the Bill GWM&E task team meeting – the meeting had to be rearranged due to poor attendance Finalisation of the guidelines on the structure of the M&E units in Offices of the Premier - FOSAD requested similar guidelines for national departments and it was decided to do this first Holding of data forum meetings - 2 of the 10 data forums did not meet since they were scheduled for after the end of quarter Number of targets13% Targets achieved969 Targets partially achieved431 Targets not achieved00
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 13 Programme 4: PSO The 6 partially achieved targets relate to Submission of 3 monthly reports to FOSAD on indicators of management performance - this was partially achieved because FOSAD changed the reporting requirements to bi-monthly Monthly hotline resolution reports to FOSAD - partially achieved because FOSAD changed the reporting requirements to bi-monthly Improvement plan for the hotline - plan only tabled after target date due to postponement of management meetings Number of targets16% Targets achieved744 Targets partially achieved637 Targets not achieved319
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 14 Programme 4: PSO continued.. Targets not achieved are: MPAT case studies on two key performance areas were delayed due to development of case study methodology which took longer than expected Consultation and research on policy framework for the citizen based monitoring programme was delayed due to delays in recruiting a specialist Finalization of recruitment of 10 additional call center operators was delayed as it took longer than expected to finalise an SLA with SITA
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 15 Department Overall Number of targets62% Targets achieved4065 Targets partially achieved1727 Targets not achieved58
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 16 Conclusions DPME relatively new Department, with own budget vote from 1 April 2011 This means that DPME has not yet settled into multi-year budgeting and expenditure with planning and preparations taking place the year before expenditure takes place This explains why expenditure will accelerate in the last six months of the financial year From 2013/14 DPME expenditure will be more evenly spread over the financial year and closer aligned to cash-flow projections Performance Overall performance of the department is on track A departmental management meeting was held to formally review performance in the first quarter and corrective measures were agreed on where appropriate to address partially achieved or not achieved targets
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation /13 Revised projections