Waterloo Region Immigrant Employment Council December 1,
TCSA Recommendation Establish the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council TO Identify and implement multi-stakeholder solutions that are sustainable in order to ensure access to the labour market for skilled immigrants.
The TRIEC Idea Local and regional perspectives Citizen-led organization Multi-stakeholder - this issue belongs to all sectors of society Coordination and collaboration among stakeholders
Objectives: Increase immigrant access to value added services Change the way key stakeholders relate to skilled immigrants Change the way governments act on this issue Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC)
TRIEC Membership Employers Community Colleges and Universities Funders Labour Expert Advisors Occupational Regulatory Bodies Credential Assessment Services Federal Government Ontario Government Municipal Governments
The Working Ideas Internships Mentoring Employer Promising Practices Public Awareness and Recognition Occupation and Licensing Bridge - Sector based approach Information Intergovernmental Relations
Career Bridge First initiative to come out of TRIEC A four month internship program for skilled immigrants 1,400 screened and active candidates in database 87 internships to date: 44 completed and 43 ongoing 153 commitments for internships in the next year 75% of all completed interns to date have found full time positions in their field 57% hired by their host employers
The Mentoring Partnership Matching skilled immigrants with their Canadian counterparts in the same occupation Mentoring creates links and relationships, building social capital 1000 matches in the first year Circle of Champions Strategic partnerships Partner agencies in Toronto, Peel and York A.C.C.E.S.JobStartJVS Dixie BloorSkills for Change
Employer Promising Practices A dynamic tool kit of promising practices that will help employers recruit, retain and promote skilled immigrants Strategy will be to engage human resource professionals and SME employers Components may include: bookletinteractive website employer conference teasers employer challenge seminar series education curriculumemployer recognition
Policy and Public Awareness Open Letter to the Prime Minister Prime Minister’s External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities Survey of GTA residents Newsletters and alerts to a growing subscription list
Intergovernmental Relations At the table: - CIC- HRSDC- Industry- Heritage - MEDT- MTCU- MCI - Toronto- Peel- York-Halton Mapping Exercise Objective: a collaborative planning or funding initiative
Challenges and Successes Stakeholder engagement SMEs Bridging programs Information Government cooperation Replication Measuring change