Space Race Purpose: To develop the ability to get to space. Date: 1926 Robert Goddard launched the first successful liquid propelled rocket German Werner Von Braun came to the U.S.
Two Rockets Sputnik - in the year of 1957 Explorer I - in the year of 1958
Destination 1. Russia’s Sputnik orbited Earth. 2. U.S.’s Explorer I orbited Earth.
Three Facts Germans and Russians were doing rocket experiments at the same time that Robert Goddard was doing experiments. Werner Von Braun came to the U.S. after WWII. Sputnik and Explorer I were satellites.
The Mercury Program Purpose: To send a man into space !
Dates n Yuri Gagarin is the first man in space. n Alan B. Shepard is the first American in space. n John Glenn is the first man to orbit Earth. n Valentina Tereshkova is the first woman in space.
Three Facts n 1. Mercury Program started Oct. 7, n 2. There were six Mercury Missions. n 3. 2 rocket boosters - Atlas/Redstone.
Gemini Program Purpose: To develop technology to get to the moon. A spacecraft carried two astronauts.
Dates Destination: Space and Earth’s orbit Astronaut: Gemini 4: Edward H. White 1965
Three Facts First American Space walk. 10 manned Gemini flights. Orbital rendezvous 10 times.
The Apollo Program Purpose: To get to the moon. Date: Destination: The Moon
Astronauts nAnApollo 7 is the first manned Apollo flight: Wally Schirra, Don Eiscle, and Walt Cunningham.
nAnApollo 8 Crew: Bormen, Anders, and Lovell. nAnApollo 11 Moon landing with Neil Armstrong.
Three Facts n Apollo 7 is the 1st TV broadcast from space. n Apollo 8 orbited the moon. n Last Apollo flight to the moon.
Apollo Soyuz Purpose: The docking of U.S. Apollo spacecraft with Russian Soyuz spacecraft.
Date and Destination Date Destination : To dock over Europe on the 17th orbit at an altitude of 138 miles.
Astronauts 1. Thomas P. Stafford 2. Vance D. Brand 3. Donald K. Slayton
Three Facts 1. Completed 28 experiments in space. 2. First Russian - American Co- operation in space. 3. Fewest problems of any Apollo flight.
Space Shuttle 1978-Present
Purpose First Reusable spacecraft to do further space exploration Date: first flight 1981-Present Destination: Space
Astronauts Sally Ride first U.S. woman in space. Challenger accident John Young, Robert Crippen -1st shuttle flight. John Glenn becomes the oldest astronaut.
Facts Christa McAulliffe (teacher) is killed in 1986 in the Challenger explosion. Columbia, Challenger, Endevour are three of the shuttles. Each shuttle can carry 7 crew.